From the journal of Professor Irondome 2

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From the journal of Professor Irondome 2 Icon.png
Irondome's Journal
Irondome's Journal.png

Professor Irondome's Journal #2

Removed: No Longer Available

From the journal of Professor Irondome 2 was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Professor Irondome's Journal 2 was a Floran codex found in Floran Villages.

It was removed from the game when lore was rewritten in update cheerful giraffe.


From the journal of Professor Irondome 2

Delight. My young charge has thrown himself into the task of producing a novel with aplomb. Contentment. He sits up there, day in, day out, typing away on the computer I procured for him. Hesitant. He refuses to allow me to read what he has written, however.

Understanding. But he is an artist! Realisation. I must let him work, let the words flow, let the genius come forth. Excitement. I know what dwells within his heart, and what stories he has to tell. Overwhelmed. My protégé's work will impact throughout the universe.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem florviljournal02Codex
File Name florviljournal02.codexitem
File Path assets/codex/documents