Swim Boost

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Swim Boost
Status Swim Boost.png
Effects Increased swimming speed

Swim Boost is a buff status effect that changes how the player moves when immersed in a liquid. First, it reduces liquid impedance from a default value of 0.5 to 0.1, in other words, moving through liquids will slow the player less when this buff is in effect. Secondly, it increases the player's force when performing an active movement operation in liquid, from a default value of 30 to 150, both when moving within liquid and when jumping from liquid into the air. Because the player can only actively move through liquid by using the jump control, this buff effectively causes the player to "jump" higher in liquid, rather than to "swim" through it in the conventional sense. Nevertheless, it does improve the speed at which the player moves through large bodies of liquid.


Swim Boost can be applied by:

Status Swim Boost.png Swim Boost

Item Duration
30 seconds