Temporary increase in max HP
Bonus Health is a buff status effect which temporarily increases the amount of health the player has available. This buff is provided by many Foods prepared at a Kitchen Counter and some foods prepared at a Campfire, but more advanced cooking recipes provide a longer duration for the effect.
The health increase provided is 20% of the player's maximum HP.
Bonus Health can be applied by:
- Most prepared Foods, especially those involving at least one of the following: Reefpod, Potato, Tomato, Oculemon, Corn, raw meat (Raw Steak, Raw Ribs, Raw Fish, Raw Bacon), Mushroom or Rice
Bonus Health (20%)
- [[Data:|]]
File Details
Spawn Command
File Name
- Some part "<nowiki>...</nowiki>" of the query was not understood.
- Some subquery has no valid condition.
File Path
- Some part "<nowiki>...</nowiki>" of the query was not understood.
- Some subquery has no valid condition.