Pizza Slice

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Pizza Slice Icon.png
Pizza Slice
Prepared Food
Pizza Slice.png

A hot slice of pepperoni pizza.

Pizza Slice is a type of food which can be created through cooking. Cooking it will complete entry #29 in the cooking collection.

After looting Cheese for the first time players will automatically learn the crafting schematic for Pizza Slice. Picking up a Pizza Slice teaches the recipe for Quiche Lorraine.

Combining a Tomato, Raw Bacon, Wheat and Milk into a Pizza Slice raises their total value by a considerable ~34.4%.

Status Effects


Unlocks Recipes
Quiche Lorraine Icon.png Quiche Lorraine



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem pizzaslice
File Name pizzaslice.consumable
File Path assets\items\generic\food\tier2