Doom Lord's Greaves

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Doom Lord's Greaves Icon.png
Doom Lord's Greaves
Leg Armour
Doom Lord's Greaves.png
Power Multiplier    60%
Armor Boost    16
Max Energy Boost    12
Max Health Boost    24
The pounding rattle of these greaves will haunt the dreams of your foe.
Legendary Pixels-Sell.png 2560

Doom Lord's Greaves are the legpiece part of the Doom Lord's Set, a Glitch tier 6 armor set crafted at a Separator's Table using Solarium Star and Paladin's Greaves.



File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem glitchtier6spants
File Name glitchtier6separator.legs
File Path assets\items\armors\glitch\glitch-tier6separator