Spawn Monster Command

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/spawnmonster is an admin command that spawns a monster at your mouse cursor. You can also spawn any Bug by using its name in lowercase without spaces.

If level is unspecified, they spawn at level 1. You can also pass JSON variant parameters to the monster's constructor. Best practice is to surround JSON in single quotes.

  Usage: /spawnmonster type [level] [variantParameters]
Example: /spawnmonster hugebiped
Example: /spawnmonster hugebiped 10

Procedurally Generated Monsters

Small Large Miniboss† Huge†
Biped smallbiped largebiped minibossbiped hugebiped
Quadruped smallquadruped largequadruped minibossquadruped
Flying smallflying largeflying minibossflying
Swimming fish largefish

†) As of Cheerful Giraffe version, miniboss and huge types are removed from the game asset.

Unique Monsters

Name Spawn code Notes
Agaran smallshroom A small unarmed Agaran, color varies.
Apex Brain Mutant apexbrainmutant An Apex in a wheelchair armed with a pistol. Commonly found in Apex Research Labs.
Apex Mutant apexmutant Found in Apex Test Facility and the Miniknog Stronghold.
Big Unusual Gift Box giftmonster A large pink present that hops when near a player. Can be obtained.
Bone Bird bonebird A small skeleton bird, commonly found in Avian Tombs.
Chicken chicken Commonly found in Villages.
Chicken hen Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg. These are slightly different from the chicken listed above. (Harvestable)
Electric Fluffalo electricfluffalo Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg
Fluffalo fluffalo Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg
Fire Fluffalo firefluffalo Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg
Glitch Knight glitchknight Commonly found in Glitch Castles.
Glitch Spider glitchspider Can spawn on/near walls. Commonly found in Sewer Dungeons.
Ice Fluffalo icefluffalo Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg
Missile missile A Shockhopper Mk I missile that flies at the player. Not naturally found ingame yet.
Moontant moontant A moon mutant from Erchius Mining Facility.
Pinfriend pinfriend A dog, comes in 2 colors, one is at the Outpost.
Po po Small multiplying bits of poop. Commonly found in Sewer Dungeons.
Po Golem pogolem Poop Golem, commonly found in Sewer Dungeons.
Poison Fluffalo poisonfluffalo Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg
Poptop poptop Player contest winner.
Adult Poptop adultpoptop
Robot Chicken robotchicken Commonly found in Glitch Villages.
Robot Chicken robothen Can be purchased from the Terramart as an egg. These are slightly different from the robot chicken listed above. (Harvestable)
Sewer Fly sewerfly Commonly found in Sewer Dungeons.
Skeye Jelly skeyejelly A jelly type boss with only one eye.
Small Unusual Gift Box giftmonstersmall A small pink present that hops when near a player. Not naturally found ingame yet.
Swarpion swarpion Commonly found in Avian Tombs.
Tentacle Comet Spore tentaclecometspore Small comet, tentacles pop out after a few seconds, not naturally found ingame yet.
Toxic Po Golem toxicgolem A toxic (green) Poop Golem, not naturally found ingame yet.


Note that most of the bosses listed here will not work correctly if spawned into a random world. In these cases, they require stagehand virtual objects or other objects that are found only in their respective boss chambers.

Name Spawn code Notes
Erchius Horror crystalboss Crystal boss from Erchius Mining Facility, aim high.
Ixodoom spiderboss Spider boss from the Ceremonial Hunting Caverns mission. NOTE: It needs an Ixodoom Web.
Asra Nox cultistboss The leader of the occasus cult. Can be found in the mission Grand Pagoda Library.
Kluex Avatar kluexboss Boss of the Great Sovereign Temple. NOTE: kluexboss spawns it in phase 2. Will not die properly when spawned this way.
Big Ape apeboss Boss of the Miniknog Stronghold. Does not function properly.
Bone Dragon dragonboss Dragon boss from the Baron's Keep mission. Aim cursor very high.
Dreadwing penguinUfo The 'U' in Ufo must be capitalized.
Shockhopper Mk I