Hylotl Underwater City

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Inside a Hylotl Underwater City.
Hylotl Underwater City is a Hylotl themed settlement made up of an airtight underground facility, enterable via airlocks at the ocean floor. The tall towers underwater house modern city furniture and arcade machines, vending machines and neon signs. The city is protected by a shield and usually has a shield generator atop one of the towers. This must be deactivated before any blocks or objects can be added to or removed from the city. Be careful when mining the walls of the city; it will quickly flood.

These cities can only appear underwater on ocean planets. They won't appear anywhere else in the universe.

The code for the /placedungeon command is hylotloceancity, with the usual warning of its dangers and the extra warning that this dungeon should not be spawned outside of an ocean.

Unique Treasure

Basic treasure can appear in most containers while valuable treasure is in themed chests.

Basic Treasure
Valuable Treasure

Lore Books



  • Some Hylotl cities spawn without a shield generator. When this happens, the city cannot be unshielded, except by admin commands.


Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Action Movie Poster Icon.png Action Movie Poster Decorative 55 A framed poster from the movie "Cybernetic Apocalypse".
Air Hockey Table Icon.png Air Hockey Table Decorative 80 A classic air hockey table. First to ten wins!
Arcade Prize Counter Icon.png Arcade Prize Counter Decorative 145 A glass case full of plushies and toys.
Arcade Sign Icon.png Arcade Sign Decorative 150 An arcade sign. There's probably an arcade nearby.
Asphalt Icon.png Asphalt Block 0 A cheap but effective construction material.
Bad Goo Plushie Icon.png Bad Goo Plushie Decorative 45 Bad Goo Plushie. A cuddly goo doll.
Bar Stool Icon.png Bar Stool Furniture 70 A wobbly bar stool.
Basic Toilet Icon.png Basic Toilet Furniture 75 A normal looking toilet! Thank the stars!
Bathroom Hand Dryer Icon.png Bathroom Hand Dryer Light Source 50 A handy hand dryer. Hands off.
Bathroom Sink Icon.png Bathroom Sink Decorative 55 A bathroom sink. Wash your hands!
Bathroom Stall Icon.png Bathroom Stall Furniture 110 A bathroom stall. Don't get stuck!
Bathroom Urinal Icon.png Bathroom Urinal Decorative 55 A bathroom urinal. Useful for some.
Bio-Lamp Icon.png Bio-Lamp Decorative 60 A small lamp that gives off a low red light.
Blue Arcade Machine Icon.png Blue Arcade Machine Decorative 105 The machine runs a game called 'Psychedelic Rodeo Melee'.
Blue Base Button Icon.png Blue Base Button Wire 70 Who knows what it might activate... just press it!
Blue Chair Icon.png Blue Chair Furniture 70 A teal blue chair.
Blue Club Lights Icon.png Blue Club Lights Decorative 90 Colourful ceiling lights found in clubs.
Blue Neon Shop Sign Icon.png Blue Neon Shop Sign Decorative 180 Small ocean creatures swim within this sign.
Blue Neon Sign Icon.png Blue Neon Sign Decorative 180 A sign that looks like it says "BUBBLE"...
Blue Neon Symbol Icon.png Blue Neon Symbol Decorative 180 A metal lily pad with a bright blue emblem.
Blue Shell Sign Icon.png Blue Shell Sign Decorative 195 A blue neon sign decorated with a seashell.
Blue Vending Machine Icon.png Blue Vending Machine Decorative 135 A vending machine filled with popular beverages.
Blue Wall Shelf Icon.png Blue Wall Shelf Decorative 70 A blue shelf used for displaying items.
Cactus Pot Icon.png Cactus Pot Decorative 50 An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.
Classic Candlestick Icon.png Classic Candlestick Light Source 85 A golden candlestick with three prongs. The wax never seems to melt.
Classic Chandelier Icon.png Classic Chandelier Light Source 120 This chandelier is made of wrought-iron. It looks expensive.
Classic Wallpaper Icon.png Classic Wallpaper Block 0 Some classy wallpaper, the perfect finishing touch.
Club Decks Icon.png Club Decks Decorative 160 The huge speakers pump out loud dance music.
Club Lamp Icon.png Club Lamp Decorative 75 The lamp emits a low, ambient blue light.
Club Speaker Icon.png Club Speaker Decorative 70 A large club speaker.
Comedy Movie Poster Icon.png Comedy Movie Poster Decorative 55 A poster for a unpopular Hylotl movie "Claw of Dread".
Concrete Block Icon.png Concrete Block Block 0 Cold, hard, concrete.
Decorated Music Box Icon.png Decorated Music Box Decorative 450 An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.
Deprived Bookcase Icon.png Deprived Bookcase Decorative 225 A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.
Desktop PC Icon.png Desktop PC Decorative 50 A computer. Probably quite a good one.
Display Light Icon.png Display Light Light Source 75 A directional light used to illuminate items on display.
Drain Icon.png Drain Wire 15 Gurgle gurgle!
Durasteel Bed Icon.png Durasteel Bed Furniture 180 A comfortable durasteel bed. Looks pretty sleek.
Eight Icon.png Eight Decorative 20 Eight marker.
Empty Cordial Bottle Icon.png Empty Cordial Bottle Breakable 5 An empty bottle of avesmingo cordial.
Empty Fancy Water Bottle Icon.png Empty Fancy Water Bottle Breakable 5 An empty bottle of fancy water.
Empty Nectar Bottle Icon.png Empty Nectar Bottle Breakable 5 An empty bottle of Oculemon nectar.
Empty Petal Nectar Bottle Icon.png Empty Petal Nectar Bottle Breakable 5 An empty bottle of petal nectar.
Empty Root Pop Bottle Icon.png Empty Root Pop Bottle Breakable 5 An empty bottle of dandelion root pop.
Engraved Tombstone Icon.png Engraved Tombstone Decorative 50 This tomb is anonymous, engraved with the image of its occupant.
Fancy Plaque Icon.png Fancy Plaque Decorative 40 A fancy plaque with an inscription on it.
Fiery Flower Icon.png Fiery Flower Decorative 50 A fiery-looking flower in a pot.
Five Icon.png Five Decorative 20 Five marker.
Floor Ornament Icon.png Floor Ornament Decorative 55 It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.
Flower Bed Icon.png Flower Bed Furniture 110 A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!
Flower Bed (2) Icon.png Flower Bed (2) Furniture 110 A beautiful flower bed. Watch out for bees!
Fluorescent Light Icon.png Fluorescent Light Light Source 75 Bright fluorescent light.
Football Icon.png Football Decorative 30 A classic football...or soccer ball, if you prefer.
Girder Icon.png Girder Block 0 A strong looking metal girder.
Glass Block Icon.png Glass Block Block 0 I can see my reflection.
Globe Statue Icon.png Globe Statue Decorative 240 A large bronze statue of the Hylotl's home planet.
Green Arcade Machine Icon.png Green Arcade Machine Decorative 120 This machine runs a game called 'Stylish Thief Wasteland'.
Green Club Lights Icon.png Green Club Lights Decorative 90 Colourful lights found in clubs.
Green Neon Pod Sign Icon.png Green Neon Pod Sign Decorative 180 A sign displaying reefpods, a tasty delicacy.
Green Neon Sign Icon.png Green Neon Sign Decorative 180 A sign that looks like it says "RIBBIT"...
Hazard Block Icon.png Hazard Block Block 0 This pattern suggests caution.
Heavy Pipe Icon.png Heavy Pipe Block 0 A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.
Hylotl "Croak" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Croak" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.
Hylotl "Leap" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Leap" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.
Hylotl "Lily" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Lily" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.
Hylotl "Pond" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Pond" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.
Hylotl "Ribbit" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Ribbit" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.
Hylotl Armour Stand Icon.png Hylotl Armour Stand Decorative 50 A stand displaying Hylotl armour.
Hylotl City Poster Icon.png Hylotl City Poster Decorative 70 A framed poster of a city.
Hylotl Counter Icon.png Hylotl Counter Decorative 145 A counter that oddly resembles a Hylotl.
Hylotl Emblem Icon.png Hylotl Emblem Decorative 60 It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...
Hylotl Fashion Hologram Icon.png Hylotl Fashion Hologram Decorative 140 A hologram displaying the latest trends in Hylotl fashion.
Hylotl Store Shelf Icon.png Hylotl Store Shelf Decorative 90 The shelf is packed with all kinds of Hylotl goods.
Hylotl Table Icon.png Hylotl Table Decorative 110 A table with a studded gem motif resembling the three eyes of the Hylotl.
Iron Block Icon.png Iron Block Block 0 A solid iron block.
Iron Chest Icon.png Iron Chest Storage 70 A basic iron chest.
Iron Lantern Icon.png Iron Lantern Light Source 20 A handy oil lantern. Careful not to spill it.
Kitchen Counter Icon.png Kitchen Counter Crafting Station 100 Used to produce wholesome foods with a variety of effects.
Kitchen Tools Icon.png Kitchen Tools Decorative 60 Tools for creating pure, unadulterated deliciousness.
Laboratory Light Icon.png Laboratory Light Light Source 85 A sleek red wall light.
Large Cooler Icon.png Large Cooler Refrigerated Storage 180 Perfect for storing a lot of food and keeping it fresh.
Liquid Sensor (2) Icon.png Liquid Sensor (2) Wire 55 Don't use your finger! This trusty sensor indicates the presence of liquids.
Little Lily Pad Icon.png Little Lily Pad Decorative 50 A small lily pad decoration.
Lunar Base Block Icon.png Lunar Base Block Block 0 This alloy looks incredibly durable.
Medieval Globe Icon.png Medieval Globe Decorative 60 A model of an unknown planet.
Metal Bars Icon.png Metal Bars Block 0 Closely spaced thick metal bars.
Metal Cabinet Icon.png Metal Cabinet Storage 85 It looks like it's full of hazardous materials.
Metal Crate Icon.png Metal Crate Storage 75 A metal crate.
Metal Lily Pad Icon.png Metal Lily Pad Decorative 120 It looks like a decorative lily pad.
Mindwurm Plushie Icon.png Mindwurm Plushie Decorative 50 A questionably cute plushie of a Mindwurm.
Mirror Block Icon.png Mirror Block Block 0 A non-reflective mirror.
Modern Sliding Door Icon.png Modern Sliding Door Door 95 This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...
Modern Table Icon.png Modern Table Furniture 60 A fancy modern table to place fancy modern things on.
Moleman Poster Icon.png Moleman Poster Decorative 80 A framed poster for cult hit, "The Moleman Prophecy".
Motivational Poster Icon.png Motivational Poster Decorative 70 That's not very encouraging.
Neon Hylotl Sign Icon.png Neon Hylotl Sign Decorative 85 A neon sign depicting a Hylotl head.
Neon Open Sign Icon.png Neon Open Sign Decorative 90 A neon "open" sign.
Notice Icon.png Notice Decorative 20 A notice written in ink.
Numi Plushie Icon.png Numi Plushie Decorative 50 A plushie of Numi, the mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon of the same name.
Numi Poster Icon.png Numi Poster [[:Category:|]]
Numi Sign Icon.png Numi Sign Light Source 105 A sign advertising Numi, a famous mascot from a Hylotl children's cartoon.
Orange Apex Sign Icon.png Orange Apex Sign Decorative 195 An orange neon sign displaying what seems to be Big Ape.
Orange Arcade Machine Icon.png Orange Arcade Machine Decorative 120 This machine runs a game called 'Sleazy Burger Heroes'.
Orange Neon Collector Sign Icon.png Orange Neon Collector Sign Decorative 180 A sign seeking Hylotl to collect spawn from the surface.
Orange Neon Sign Icon.png Orange Neon Sign Decorative 180 It looks like the word 'croak', but apparently it means something completely different.
Ornate Flooring Icon.png Ornate Flooring Block 0 Delightful ornate flooring.
Ornate Platform Icon.png Ornate Platform Platform 0 Nicely finished ornate, wooden platforms.
Ornate Roof Block Icon.png Ornate Roof Block Block 0 Traditional looking ornate roofing.
Ornate Tiles Icon.png Ornate Tiles Block 0 Exquisite ornate roof tiles.
Ornate Wall Icon.png Ornate Wall Block 0 A traditional looking wall.
Ornate Wood Icon.png Ornate Wood Block 0 Expertly treated ornate wood.
Outdoor Stool Icon.png Outdoor Stool Furniture 55 A smart metal stool, suitable for the outdoors.
Outpost Platform Icon.png Outpost Platform Platform 0 A simple light platform commonly found in remote outposts.
Outpost Support Beam Icon.png Outpost Support Beam Block 0 A reinforced support beam.
Outpost Thick Wall Icon.png Outpost Thick Wall Block 0 A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.
Padded Metal Chair Icon.png Padded Metal Chair Furniture 75 A chair. You sit in it. Yes.
Painted Brick Icon.png Painted Brick Block 0 Nicely painted brickwork.
Plant Matter Icon.png Plant Matter Block 0 A block made of packed plant matter.
Plastic Fake Plant Icon.png Plastic Fake Plant Decorative 60 A replica plant, it is obviously made of plastic.
Platinum Block Icon.png Platinum Block Block 0 A whole block of solid platinum.
Poptop Plushie Icon.png Poptop Plushie Decorative 50 A soft Poptop plush toy.
Pressurised Airlock Door Icon.png Pressurised Airlock Door Door 175 A sturdy airlock door.
Pressurised Beam Icon.png Pressurised Beam Block 0 A support beam made for pressurised environments.
Pressurised Durasteel Icon.png Pressurised Durasteel Block 0 A durasteel panel, specially designed to contain pressurised environments.
Pressurised Girder Icon.png Pressurised Girder Block 0 A girder designed to accommodate pressurisation changes.
Pressurised Platform Icon.png Pressurised Platform Platform 0 Platforms made for use in potentially pressurised environments.
Pressurised Support Icon.png Pressurised Support Decorative 60 A structural support beam able to withstand deep-sea pressure.
Priest's Tombstone Icon.png Priest's Tombstone Decorative 50 This tombstone belongs to a priest, fallen in battle.
Purple Arcade Machine Icon.png Purple Arcade Machine Decorative 135 This machine runs 'Screaming Fashion Agent'.
Quill and Ink Icon.png Quill and Ink Decorative 45 A quill and ink.
Red Arcade Machine Icon.png Red Arcade Machine Decorative 105 This machine runs a game called 'Cool Wizard Island'.
Red Club Lights Icon.png Red Club Lights Decorative 90 Colourful lights found in clubs.
Red Light Icon.png Red Light Light Source 60 A dim red light.
Red Toy Block Icon.png Red Toy Block Block 0 A large stackable toy block.
Reinforced Tech Block Icon.png Reinforced Tech Block Block 0 Wiring hides beneath this reinforced hi-tech plated material.
Romantic Movie Poster Icon.png Romantic Movie Poster Decorative 70 A framed poster from the controversial romance film "10 Things I Hate About Florans".
Rusty Shower Icon.png Rusty Shower Decorative 55 A shower. Perfect for a clean getaway. If the water was actually clean.
Ship Support Icon.png Ship Support Block 0 A wall support used in ship construction.
Shipping Container Icon.png Shipping Container Storage 625 A very large shipping container.
Shoji Screen Panel Icon.png Shoji Screen Panel Block 0 A traditional screen panel.
Short Durasteel Elevator Icon.png Short Durasteel Elevator Wire 200 This durasteel elevator will get the job done.
Silver Block Icon.png Silver Block Block 0 A whole block of silver.
Sitting Log Icon.png Sitting Log Decorative 90 A log, smoothed for sitting on.
Small Deprived Bookcase Icon.png Small Deprived Bookcase Decorative 160 An ornately carved bookcase. It's only partially filled.
Small Flood Light Icon.png Small Flood Light Decorative 45 A small light that can work in water.
Small Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Small Ornate Bookcase Decorative 160 An ornately carved bookcase.
Small Traditional Table Icon.png Small Traditional Table Furniture 85 A delicately designed wooden table.
Small Wall Switch Icon.png Small Wall Switch Wire 20 Flippin' awesome.
Small Waterproof Light Icon.png Small Waterproof Light Light Source 45 A tiny wall light.
Smooth Metal Icon.png Smooth Metal Block 0 Smooth metal, cold to the touch.
Smooth Plated Block Icon.png Smooth Plated Block Block 0 Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.
Starbound Arcade Machine Icon.png Starbound Arcade Machine Decorative 135 An arcade machine running a game called 'Starbound'.
Stone Tiles Icon.png Stone Tiles Block 0 Tiles made from smoothly polished stone.
Store Cash Register Icon.png Store Cash Register Storage 60 Ka-ching!
Study Lamp Icon.png Study Lamp Light Source 75 A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.
Tacky Wallpaper Icon.png Tacky Wallpaper Block 0 Cheap, tacky wallpaper.
Tall Fluorescent Lamp Icon.png Tall Fluorescent Lamp Light Source 85 A blindingly bright fluorescent light.
Timber Icon.png Timber Block 0 Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.
Tiny Lily Pads Icon.png Tiny Lily Pads Decorative 60 A small set of lily pad wall hangings.
Titanium Panel Icon.png Titanium Panel Block 0 A smooth panel made of titanium.
Titanium Table Icon.png Titanium Table Furniture 80 A stylish titanium table.
Traditional Bookcase Icon.png Traditional Bookcase Storage 125 A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.
Traditional Bowl Icon.png Traditional Bowl Decorative 20 A simple striped bowl.
Traditional Bridge Painting Icon.png Traditional Bridge Painting Decorative 70 It's a painting of a bridge over still water.
Traditional Fancy Chair Icon.png Traditional Fancy Chair Furniture 75 A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.
Traditional Low Table Icon.png Traditional Low Table Furniture 85 A table set at kneeling height.
Traditional Paper Lantern Icon.png Traditional Paper Lantern Light Source 75 A paper ceiling lamp.
Traditional Shoji Door Icon.png Traditional Shoji Door Door 95 A shoji screen door.
Traditional Square Cabinet Icon.png Traditional Square Cabinet Storage 80 A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.
Traditional Sword Rack Icon.png Traditional Sword Rack Decorative 70 A rack of traditional swords.
Traditional Table Icon.png Traditional Table Furniture 105 A traditional style table.
Traditional Wardrobe Icon.png Traditional Wardrobe Storage 145 The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.
Traditional Water Feature Icon.png Traditional Water Feature Decorative 145 This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.
Traditional Wave Painting Icon.png Traditional Wave Painting Decorative 70 It's a painting of a great big wave.
Traditional Wooden Post Icon.png Traditional Wooden Post Light Source 105 A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.
Turtle Plushie Icon.png Turtle Plushie Decorative 50 A cute little turtle plush.
Unicorn Plushie Icon.png Unicorn Plushie Decorative 50 A squishy, adorable unicorn. What's not to love?
Unstable Tombstone Icon.png Unstable Tombstone Decorative 50 This tombstone looks as if it's about to fall over.
Urban Trash Can Icon.png Urban Trash Can Storage 60 A garbage bin.
Vertical Danger Sign Icon.png Vertical Danger Sign Decorative 50 The sign says "DANGER". Wait, how do these people know my middle name?
Vertical Hazard Tape Icon.png Vertical Hazard Tape Decorative 20 This brightly coloured tape clearly indicates that the area is unsafe.
Vintage Library Poster Icon.png Vintage Library Poster Decorative 250 An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.
Virorb Plushie Icon.png Virorb Plushie Decorative 40 An adorable Normal Virorb plushie.
Wall Panel Icon.png Wall Panel Block 0 A sleek metal wall panel.
Warning Poster Icon.png Warning Poster Decorative 50 It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.
Warrior Movie Poster Icon.png Warrior Movie Poster Decorative 70 A framed poster from the movie "Fiery Blade Crusader".
Water Cooler (outpost) Icon.png Water Cooler (outpost) Decorative 55 A water cooler. The best place to find the hottest gossip.
Waterproof Light Icon.png Waterproof Light Decorative 75 A light protected by a glass cage.
White Flower Icon.png White Flower Decorative 50 A pretty white flower in a pot.
Wide Fluorescent Lamp Icon.png Wide Fluorescent Lamp Light Source 85 A blindingly bright fluorescent light.
Wooden Aquarium Icon.png Wooden Aquarium Decorative 70 Look! Fishies!
Wooden Sink Icon.png Wooden Sink Decorative 85 A wooden cabinet with a sink installed.
Wooden Window Icon.png Wooden Window Block 0 A window with wooden panes.
Yellow Arcade Machine Icon.png Yellow Arcade Machine Decorative 120 This machine runs a game called 'Zombie Banana Mansion'.
Yellow Club Lights Icon.png Yellow Club Lights Decorative 90 Colourful lights found in clubs.
Zen Rock Icon.png Zen Rock Decorative A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.