The Pledge of the Scholar

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The Pledge of the Scholar Icon.png
The Pledge of the Scholar
The Pledge of the Scholar.png
An oath taken by Hylotl scholars.
common Pixels-Sell.png 25

The Pledge of the Scholar is a Hylotl codex found in Hylotl dungeons and villages.


The Pledge of the Scholar

As scholars, we abide by this covenant: to garner knowledge and shoulder its weight. To study what has passed in order to remember. To act as wardens, and as stewards.

This is our solemn oath, that we will not transgress; for knowledge is truth, and truth is enlightenment.


File Details

Spawn Command /spawnitem hylotlhistory2-codex
File Name hylotlhistory2.codex
File Path assets\codex\hylotl