Hylotl Ruined Castle

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A Hylotl Ruined Castle tower.
Hylotl Ruined Castles is a Hylotl themed dungeon made up of a large overgrown castle, populated by a number of hostile monsters including gosmets and crutters. These castles look like traditional Japanese castles.

Hylotl ruined castles can appear on any planet type except moons, liquid, barren, or garden planets.

The code for the /placedungeon command is hylotlruinedcastle, with the usual warning of its dangers.

Unique Treasure

Basic treasure can be found in most containers while valuable treasure is in themed chests.

Basic Treasure
Valuable Treasure

Lore Books





Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Ancient Library Codex Icon.png Ancient Library Codex Decorative 300 An ancient tome that catalogues of all the Hylotl books in the galaxy.
Candle Icon.png Candle Light Source 45 A small wax candle in a holder.
Classic Baseboard Icon.png Classic Baseboard Block 0 This baseboard completes the classic home look.
Classic Chest Icon.png Classic Chest Storage 70 A classy chest filled with classy treasure!
Classic Desk (Hylotl) Icon.png Classic Desk (Hylotl) Storage 140 A classic style desk.
Comfy Traditional Bed Icon.png Comfy Traditional Bed Furniture 125 Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.
Decorated Music Box Icon.png Decorated Music Box Decorative 450 An intricate handmade music box. The melody it plays is soothing.
Deprived Bookcase Icon.png Deprived Bookcase Decorative 225 A fairly big bookcase, only partially filled with books.
Grassy Rock Icon.png Grassy Rock Block 0 Rough, grassy stone.
Gravel Icon.png Gravel Block 0 Coarse gravel.
Hylotl "Croak" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Croak" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'croak'.
Hylotl "Leap" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Leap" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'leap'.
Hylotl "Lily" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Lily" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'lily pad'.
Hylotl "Pond" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Pond" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'pond'.
Hylotl "Ribbit" Calligraphy Icon.png Hylotl "Ribbit" Calligraphy Decorative 60 Framed calligraphy for 'ribbit'.
Hylotl Armour Stand Icon.png Hylotl Armour Stand Decorative 50 A stand displaying Hylotl armour.
Hylotl Library Model Icon.png Hylotl Library Model Decorative 400 An intricate handmade paper model of a Hylotl library. There's little paper bookcases inside!
Hylotl Warrior Painting Icon.png Hylotl Warrior Painting Decorative 1600 An old calligraphy painting depicting an early Hylotl warrior.
Large Barrel Icon.png Large Barrel Storage 85 A barrel. Sadly not full party hats.
Large Medieval Door Icon.png Large Medieval Door Door 145 A huge, intimidating door.
Large Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Large Ornate Bookcase Decorative 350 A big antique bookcase.
Large Wooden Crate Icon.png Large Wooden Crate Storage 110 A wooden crate.
Ornate Bookcase Icon.png Ornate Bookcase Decorative 250 A fairly big bookcase full of books.
Ornate Flooring Icon.png Ornate Flooring Block 0 Delightful ornate flooring.
Ornate Lantern Icon.png Ornate Lantern Light Source 85 This ornate lamp flickers softly.
Ornate Roof Block Icon.png Ornate Roof Block Block 0 Traditional looking ornate roofing.
Ornate Tiles Icon.png Ornate Tiles Block 0 Exquisite ornate roof tiles.
Ornate Wall Icon.png Ornate Wall Block 0 A traditional looking wall.
Ornate Wood Icon.png Ornate Wood Block 0 Expertly treated ornate wood.
Pagoda Aquarium Icon.png Pagoda Aquarium Decorative 550 A grand looking aquarium, with a small scale Hylotl pagoda model on top.
Paper Lantern Icon.png Paper Lantern Light Source 75 A paper ceiling lamp.
Petal Block Icon.png Petal Block Block 0 Sweet smelling dark leaves and flowers.
Plant Matter Icon.png Plant Matter Block 0 A block made of packed plant matter.
Quill and Ink Icon.png Quill and Ink Decorative 45 A quill and ink.
Rock Bricks Icon.png Rock Bricks Block 0 A crudely produced set of rock bricks.
Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu Icon.png Self-Portrait of Hylotl-Shu Decorative 1600 A very famous self-portrait of a very famous Hylotl artist.
Shoji Screen Panel Icon.png Shoji Screen Panel Block 0 A traditional screen panel.
Small Traditional Table Icon.png Small Traditional Table Furniture 85 A delicately designed wooden table.
Small Wooden Crate Icon.png Small Wooden Crate Storage 75 A wooden crate.
Studies in Female Hylotlgy Icon.png Studies in Female Hylotlgy Decorative 2400 A very famous portrait of a mysterious lady.
Study Lamp Icon.png Study Lamp Light Source 75 A study lamp for a library or desk. Very fancy.
Teacup Icon.png Teacup Decorative 30 A steaming cup of Earl Grey.
Tiny Lily Pads Icon.png Tiny Lily Pads Decorative 60 A small set of lily pad wall hangings.
Traditional Bookcase Icon.png Traditional Bookcase Storage 125 A master work of craftsmanship. Beautiful.
Traditional Bridge Painting Icon.png Traditional Bridge Painting Decorative 70 It's a painting of a bridge over still water.
Traditional Fancy Chair Icon.png Traditional Fancy Chair Furniture 75 A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.
Traditional Gong Icon.png Traditional Gong Decorative 195 Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.
Traditional Low Table Icon.png Traditional Low Table Furniture 85 A table set at kneeling height.
Traditional Mount Painting Icon.png Traditional Mount Painting Decorative 80 It's a copy of an old, famous painting.
Traditional Paper Lantern Icon.png Traditional Paper Lantern Light Source 75 A paper ceiling lamp.
Traditional Radio Icon.png Traditional Radio Decorative 50 An old radio, it still plays music.
Traditional Shoji Screen Icon.png Traditional Shoji Screen Decorative 120 A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.
Traditional Square Cabinet Icon.png Traditional Square Cabinet Storage 80 A wooden cabinet. Its doors are full of etched decoration.
Traditional Sword Rack Icon.png Traditional Sword Rack Decorative 70 A rack of traditional swords.
Traditional Table Icon.png Traditional Table Furniture 105 A traditional style table.
Traditional Wardrobe Icon.png Traditional Wardrobe Storage 145 The lily pad rotates to lock its doors.
Traditional Wave Painting Icon.png Traditional Wave Painting Decorative 70 It's a painting of a great big wave.
Traditional Wooden Post Icon.png Traditional Wooden Post Light Source 105 A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.
Vintage Library Poster Icon.png Vintage Library Poster Decorative 250 An old poster of some ancient Hylotl library.
Wooden Blinds Icon.png Wooden Blinds Block 0 Old wooden slats that don't let much light through.
Wooden Chest Icon.png Wooden Chest Storage 70 A basic wooden chest.
Wooden Window Icon.png Wooden Window Block 0 A window with wooden panes.