Starbound's alpha was non-public, available only to Chucklefish developers, a small number of contributors, and some family and friends. Game development was tracked through daily development updates posted on the front page of These development updates began in May 2013 and continued almost daily until the games beta release in December 2013.
November 2013
- 30th November - Beta Release Date Announced! December 4th. Link to beta FAQ.
- 22nd November - Balanced recipes, changed monster spawn at night, boss config, locked doors, animated gifs of two weapon type effects. Sentrybot encounter screenshots. New player ships!
- 15th November - Screenshots of bandits/cultists, Molotov explosion and new fire. Animated gif of revamped human mech.
- 11th November - Monster balance, namegen, Glitch castle dungeon NPC population. Screenshots of encounter with Glitch castle.
- 9th November - Discussion of beta distribution regarding Steam and DRM free. Laying out options of Steam vs DRM free DL. Three options and advantages for each.
- 5th & 6th November - Monster AI, tiered weapon naming. Preview gif of morphball tech.
- 3rd & 4th November - New ship designs, Floran dungeon screenshots, and monster AI work.
- 2nd November - Tech configuration. Preview animation for bubble boost and butterfly boost techs.
October 2013
- 30th October- How the beta is going to work! Three stages, and a breakdown of each stage and what to expect. 'DO' or 'DO NOT' breakdown for each stage to determine where each player would like to join.
- 26th & 27th October - Status effect UI (making it more apparent there was cold/drowning). Lore was added. Buff work. Screenshots of desert biome wallpaper, bandits and a burrito.
- 25th October - Status effect icons, added tree spawning to villages. Blocks, dungeon work, bugs. Animated gif of poison banana bread.
- 23rd & 24th October - Gif of Glitch Horseknight. Bandits and cultists now shout, minibiome tiles, enemy AI. Screenshot of new Floran dungeon.
- 22nd October - Ore distribution, dungeons and lore. Animated gif of lore!
- 21st October - Previous Release date delays. Post by Tiy discussing the reasons for pushing back the originally planned release date and re-assurance that they'll be a playable beta by year end. A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad
- 19th & 20th October - Random encounters, status effects, and tiny boss teaser.
- 18th October - General cleanup, NPC and object implementation. Small pic of Sewer dungeon.
- 17th October - Dungeon work, added drops, monsters and cultists. Animated gif of Giant Sewer Fly.
- 15th & 16th October - Mini-biomes, dungeons. Guard NPC behavior, tech programming. Butterflies, race descriptions, Glitch robo-horse picture (and meme).
- 13th & 14th October - Adding more variation to terrain, merchant UI, vendor tables and behavior. Bug fixes, bandit clothing.
- 11th & 12th October - Event recipe unlocking, airship dungeon and Frog Merchant (with picture)
- 10th October - Progression development, tiered crafting objects. NPC behavior work. Continuing work on dungeons and mini-biomes.
- 8th & 9th October - Underground mini-biomes, Avian airships got NPCs, guard AI, animated gif of Status Pod (rogue shrine).
- 7th October - Screenshot of WIP underground mini-biome. Bug fixes, Avian village, Floran dungeon, recipe work.
- 6th October - Codex development. NPCs in dungeons, NPC item costs, ship saving back-end. Guard AI development.
- 5th October - Tier gear adjustment. Guard captain class!! Screenshot of guard captain in Glitch village. Explanation of NPC guard behavior.
- 4th October - Dungeon work, mockup screenshot of Underwater Hylotl city building.
- 3rd October- Screenshot of Floran prison dungeon, images for in-game plushies.
- 1st October- Bug fixes, npc merchant work. Preview screenshot of Hylotl furniture (counter and display case)
September 2013
- 30th September - NPC idle task work, guard AI. Work on planet serialization.
- September - Added a number of race specific dialogue options for NPCs. Example screenshot.
- 28th September - Glitch village is done, screenshots and an animated gif of guards in pursuit. NPCs now 'chat' to one another, and have 'time of day' based behaviors. Started on shop and questgiver development.
- 27th September - Guard NPC development, Hylotl and Floran dungeons work, Glitch village wrap up and assigning energy cost to grappling hook. Glitch village screenshot
- 26th September - Adding abilities to armors, NPC guard work. Animated gif of arcade machine.
- 25th September - More NPC work, 'villager' type added. They'll call guards when attacked. Example GIF and Floran dungeon screenshot
- 24th September - NPC behavior development. Some example scripts and code for how behavior is defined (and can be modded). Example screenshots of Glitch village, with boxmen helmet NPCs, and a giant flower bed.
- 17th September - Videos of grappling hook, and i49 dev stream. Glitch village development, further NPC behavior work.
- 16th September - Adding unique enemies to dungeons, adjusting behavior and loot. Work on NPC AI, example of NPC speaking. Animated gif of larger Po Monster.
- 14th & 15th September - Development of NPC AI and wiring systems. Pictures of some unique prison dungeon elements.
- 13th September - Adjustments to early game to make it more apparent what to do for new players. Example image of text labeling ship components.
- 12th September - Added visual effects for freezing, starvation, and other near death states. Navigation work, unique NPC development. Animated gif of a bunch of chickens.
- 10th & 11th September - Bug fixes and optimization. Animated gif of Repairbot, a unique NPC. Mystery gif of Apex hologram.
- 8th September - More development of double-jump and dash tech. Example gif animation of dash.
- 7th September - Work on double-jump and dash tech, navigation enhancements. Screenshot of sea creature, Divern.
- 5th & 6th September - Unique NPC work continues, example gif of 'robot spider', constellation development and picture of an Apex in a costume dress.
- 4th September - Announcement of The Po, poop based NPCs, with example gif. Double jump implemented, more prison dungeon development.
- 3rd September - Lava now damages/burns, unique NPC development, spotlights added. Example screenshots of spotlights, one is of new prison dungeon.
- 2nd September - Savannah biome development, tier 1 boss improvements, new flying monster animations, GUI work, costumes added. Example screenshot of prison dungeon.
- 1st September - NPC skill adjustments, boss planning. Smoothing out early gameplay for new players.
August 2013
- 31st August - Tier 2 development continues, navigation enhancements to allow players to set a 'home planet' they can easily return to. Savannah biome screenshot.
- 30th August - Tier 2 progression development, almost complete. Server performance work and improvements to navigation console.
- 29th August - Balance tweaks post-i49. Progression work, example screenshots of built houses.
- 22nd & 23rd August - Starbound crew showing off game at i49 in the UK.
- 20th August - Ironing out bugs before i49. X added as key to switch to defualt slots on action bar. Screenshot of giant mushroom mini-biome.
- 19th August - Ore distribution tuning, starter gear tweaks, boss AI improved. Gif of Apex shooting down a tree with a gun.
- 18th August - Bug fixes continue, food recipes added, boss tweaks, DPS leveling curve adjustment. Added more elements for generating flying monsters.
- 17th August - Fixed bugs, added updated art, reworked tooltips for armor, zoom level in options fixed, progression tuning.
- 16th August - Bug work, added 'materials' 2nd bag to inventory. Adjusted action bar so L and R are 'default slots' that can be toggled to quickly. In depth explanation of action bar mechanics.
- 15th August - Armor tooltips added, and stat display added. Planet temperature rebalance, graphics fixes, clothing added to crafing.
- 14th August - Small adjustments and improvements. Crafting recipes for starter food and clothes added. First bosss tweaks. Snowy night guitar-player animated gif.
- 13th August - Revamp of character selection screen, with picture. Low level weapon implementation. Screenshots with rusty axe.
- 12th August - Underground dungeon work, skill icons added to monster healthbars, UI changes/tweaks. Eyeball trees in rain animated gif.
- 11th August - Bug fixes, monster skill additions and UI adjustments. Examples of food sprites.
- 10th August - Biome diversity video. Monster skill system added, drops stack on the ground, trash added to inventory window, bug fixes.
- 9th August - Main menu redesigned. Mechanics adjustments, hotbar functionality improvements. Recipes and sounds added. Character age is now trackable.
- 8th August - Tutorial quest wrap-up. Tree chopping animation enhancements, performance improvements. Screenshot of twilight forest with Floran musician.
- 7th August - Boss work, vanity armor slots implemented, E is now the use key, new objects, new mini-biomes. Bug fixes. Large multi-monitor screenshots.
- 6th August - Lots of bug fixes. Added shift-click to add to inventory. Locked blocks under plants and anchors, adjusted lighting colors, biome drop rates, added a mini-biome.
- 5th August - GUI bug work, clothing style development and natural obstacles and spikes added.
- 4th August - More work on tier 1 boss and minions. Changes to get support for Visual Studio. Weapon tweaks and 'time of day' lighting adjustments now can be determined by star, with pictures.
- 3rd August - Bug fixes and technical changes. GUI work, performance tracking enhancements. Tier 1 boss development and weather bug fixes.
- 2nd August - Server optimization & debugging. Tier 1 underground house example screenshot.
- 1st August - Mini-biomes added, melee combat balancing and cover mechanics adjusted. GUI work on the action bar, loot adjustments for dungeons. Cave screenshot.
July 2013
- 31st July - Boss development. Durability implemented (only tools, no breaking, ore/return to ship will repair), durability meter shows up on hotbar. Loot added to dungeons.
- 30th July - More battle music adjustment, more mini-biomes added. Bug fixes, sounds and boss work. Screenshot of cave.
- 29th July - Monster portraits fixed in health bar. Sounds added, boss minion, animation and attack work. Screenshot of underground layer.
- 28th July - Battle music tuning, tutorial quests implemented. NPC behavior work, mockup screenshot of group interface.
- 27th July - Background music adjustments. Bug fixes, example picture of tier 1 underground house.
- 26th July - Ore distribution is now based on planet level. Ice and glacier mini-biome work. Tutorial quests added, screenshot of quest complete window. More first boss work.
- 25th July - Mini-biome work. GUI smoothing and progression development. Screenshot of mine dungeon.
- 24th July - Quest windows implemented, screenshot. Work on first boss, each tier will have a boss at the end. They intend to make so any regular mob could be a miniboss.
- 23rd July - Monster health bars implemented, screenshot of early health bar. Igloo picture and ore distribution work.
- 22nd July - More bug fixes, server optimization. Mini-biome work, naming system for weapon procedural generation setup. Monster health bar, tar added. Count of implemented items so far.
- 21st July - Bug fixes, animation example of falling from space. Tier 1 house and recipe window screenshots.
- 20th July - Falling damage work, adjusted damage based on fall time. Bug fixes, Asteroid biome work.
- 19th July - Asteroid biome announced. Example video of falling from upper atmosphere.
- 18th July - Major feature wrap-up. New items, specifically for mini-biomes added. Background planets resolution increased, example screenshot.
- 17th July - Treasure chest tuning with level scaling. Dye system work, screenshot of flowers players must harvest petals from to craft dye. Dye can be applied to armor, weapons and other items. Clothes crafting added.
- 16th July - Shield mechanic tuning, shield bash implemented. Leveling work. Planet light color and intensity determined by host star, with screenshots. Bomb throwing and Wooden Bow screenshot.
- 15th July - Leveling work, NPC attacks adjustments. Crop natural spawning added, banana plant screenshot. Watchtower from tier 1 materials screenshot.
- 14th July - Art for hats added, tier rewards and example art of some breakable objects.
- 13th July - Music system GUI screenshot. Hats added, quests developed, race descriptions wrapped up. Food system work.
- 12th July - More item implementation. Tutorial quest work. WIP singing video.
- 11th July - Items & accessories implemented. Throwable items, rusty "trash" early tier weapons, and breakables added. Screenshots of inventory window adjustment, rusty sword and quest list window.
- 10th July - Inventory window update, and example screenshot. Boss design work, UI adjustment and bug fixes.
- 9th July - Grappling hook mechanics, programming challenges and formulas.
- 8th July - Ninja rope work, leveling balance. Math about procedural generation, with example graphs.
- 7th July - Musical instrument example video, there are almost 20 implemented so far. Sounds are implemented for the instruments..
- 6th July - Experimentation with player built ship additions, with example screenshot. Campsites now spawn, and tents act as beds when occupied. Giant flower sub-biome screenshots.
- 5th July - Finished bed functionality, sleep animation implemented. Started Glitch intro work, leveling and ore distribution work.
- 4th July - Quest screen design done, example mockup of Quest windows. Progression/leveling smoothing.
- 3rd July - Floran intro wrap up, with preview screenshot (not finished, early example). Testing. Another Floran screenshot.
- 2nd July - Work on progression. Quest system early work. Example of monster evolution, each random monster will have different evolution states.
- 1st July - Music system polish, added some instruments. Twitch stream example. Hylotl village development, art and intro work. Ninja rope in development. Hylotl house screenshot.
June 2013
- 30th June - Weekend project: In-game music system. Players will have the ability to play instruments using keys or importing ABC notation. Example video of early ABC notation played in game.
- 29th June - A secret weekend project is in the works. Added eating animations, continued description work. Hylotl village development.
- 28th June - Descriptions continue, expanded consumable effects. New furniture is implemented, finishing up the Hylotl dungeon. Screenshot of mine entrance.
- 27th June - Finishing up race item descriptions. Planet scaling to levels. Finishing up final dungeons, animation cleanup and intro wrap-up.
- 26th June - DirectX support bugs completely ironed out. Floran intro work, tier objects complete. 2000 descriptions done, Monster spawning in dungeons worked on, pose system implemented.
- 25th June - Race descriptions continue. Each ore set will consist of a chair, table, switch/console, bed, light and door.
- 24th June - Each race will have a unique description when examining objects, it will appear as a spoken comment (with screenshot example). Started writing descriptions (over 6000!), smoothed out D3D, ore furniture and next intro
- 23th June - Direct 3D support is done. WIP video of the Avian intro. Rest of the team working on 'Secret Sunday Projects'
- 22th June - Bug fixes, 'super advanced' fish AI work and directX smoothing. Each ore tier will have unique furniture, example image of Kyrenite set.
- 21st June - Ore furniture is mostly complete, WIP video of Human intro sequence. Copic introduced, new AI programmer.
- 20th June - Gif example of new explosion animation. Implementation of all respawn animations and occupied art for all beds with sleep animation. Smoothing Direct 3D support.
- 19th June - Continuing directX implementation. Added mannequins to armor previews, beds now allow players to sleep inside them. Reworked explosion animation and added a logbook button to the HUD.
- 18th June - Started implementing directX support. Added lighting effects for some liquids (like lava). There will be a unique set of furniture and blocks per ore tier.
- 17th June - All 360 craftable melee weapons have been implemented, and can be recolored with dye. Also added fiery and electric weapons and terrain enhancements.
- 16th June - Twitch integration, streaming is done from an ingame control computer. Example gif of Streaming computer.
- 15th June - More bugfixes. Logan recorded some intro narrations. Weapon art added. Adjusted knockback mechanics. Finished Human intro. New twitch channel, chucklefishlive
- 14th June - Bug huntdown and squish, performance improvements. Screenshot of Apex apartment full of NPCs, which are now clothed.
- 13th June - Crafting interface bug fixes. Humanoid NPCs are in-game (although naked), config file cleanup. Smacking people with frying pan in-game confirmed.
- 12th June - 3D Printer example screenshot. Examples of pre-made ore tier weapons, almost 360 tier weapons have been added.
- 11th June - Status effects implemented. Screenshot examples of burning and poisoned effects. Wrapping up printer, weaponry and human intro. Aurora borealis screenshot.
- 10th June - NPC adjustments and damage tuning. Example image of ore hammers.
- 9th June- Experimented with the idea of Space Stations as a feature. Example screenshots of space station.
- 8th June - Terrain code smoothed out, status effect work (and debugging). Status effect integration with physics engine. NPC behavior work.
- 7th June - More work on ranged monster attacks. Bugfixes and artstuff.
- 6th June - New NPC projectiles added, link to live stream of community suggestions and Tiy working on them. Fish scatter, next gen!
- 5th June - Example of Glitch respawn animation. Humanoid NPC behavor work, 3D printer adjustments, status effects added. Examples of two ore based weapons. Logan Cunningham (of Bastion) will be a voice actor!
- 4th June - Performance improvements, code clean up.
- 3rd June - Example screenshot of completed Avian tomb dungeon, flying NPC behavior work.
- 2nd June - Options menu complete, with example. Work on procedural generation for fish. 3D printer tweaks.
- 1st June - Weapon sounds and effects, modding ability enhancements. Example of tier based swords. Durability explanation; it only effects tools, does not break the tool and returning to ship or 'sharpening' with ore will repair.
May 2013
- 31st May - Avian intro finished. 'Fish out of water' NPC behavior work, options menu adjustments. Avian airship dungeon announced.
- 30th May - More cooking recipes added, as well as cooking crafting objects. More hats added. Flying monsters and fish now spawn.
- 29th May - Cooking UI developed, example of window. Food categories announced, all food is placeable. Made change to allow the number of chest slots to be configurable.
- 28th May - Flying NPC tweaks. Added lots of food recipes, each race will have a unique set to start (but can later learn other races). Cake confirmed, new Mech example
- 27th May - Intro cinematic tweaking. Options menu work. Starbound cosplay competition announcement.
- 26th May - Bug fixes, technical improvements. Cinematics work. Horsemask example.
- 25th May - Technical improvements. Ship transitions, intro debugging, GUI work. Big physics change, mass, force, and friction worked in. Planet gravity working again
- 24th May - Mechs work, there will be one unique mech and hoverbike per race. Flying NPC work, intro sequence tweaks. Travel sounds enhanced.
- 23rd May - Example video of speech bubbles. Added character 'lip syncing' and emotes. Updated mech example, and terrain 'natural structures'.
- 22nd May - Speech bubbles complete! Bubbles are 'threaded' for conversations. Example image from Avian intro.
- 21st May - Speech bubble polish, flying NPC behavior work. Ore based weapons added; There will be at least 60 unique ore weapons per race, and many other uniques.
- 20th May - Speech bubble fixes and example. NPC spawning work. Ship upgrade implementation and example.
- 19th May - NPC pathing fixes, early speech bubble tests. Example video of the FTL travel animation.
- 18th May - Mob spawning bugfixes and behavior adjustment. Ship FTL travel UI preview. Nametag adjustment and adding code for mod loading.
- 17th May - 800 recipes added so far. Nametags added to multiplayer, status button added; displays intractable objects and player nametags. 3D Printing window early example.
- 16th May - Recipes work, working on a secret biome and adding items.
- 15th May - Tech window in progress, tech station example. Also, chocolate fountain.
- 14th May - Codex window examples. Blueprints icon ideas, there will be blueprints for each item crafted, all 1300 of them.
- 13th May - Crafting window fully complete, added category icons to filter. Monster evolution work, only baby creatures are captureable.
- 12th May - Added 240 armor descriptions, example of tooltips for armor. Search and filter added to crafting window.
- 11th May - Crafting window example, working on adding over 1300 recipes to it. Log book UI was completed.
- 10th May - Blocking with shields is bug free. Added some new monster attacks. Enhanced oceans and added some new costumes.
- A brief look at what we've been working on this week - Over 60 craftable armors are now implemented. Armor can be dyed different colors. Planets appear in the night sky, and reflect the solar system you're in. Shield are implemented, as well as blocking mechanics. Frozen ocean biome was added, and Glitch castles were enhanced.