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Unique Monster
Repairbot Right.gif
Base Health 48 HP
Base Damage 12 HP
Immunity Poison
Capturable No
Found In USCM bunkers
Removed: No Longer Available

Repairbot was removed from the game files, and is no longer obtainable.
It was included as placeholder content during early access, and replaced before full release

Repairbots were a humanoid-esque robot that inhabited USCM bunkers. They would approach enemies and attempt to use their repair-related tools as weapons, which were able to do a surprising amount of damage. One could not ignore them during a firefight, but at the same time they were only slightly less fragile than cleaning bots and were likely never meant to fight directly.

Repairbots were first shown during an early development update: Repairbot’s not too cool with you shooting his friends.[1] They were removed from the game along with USCM bunkers, and have not been reintroduced. The legacy of repairbots lives on, however, in Rob Repairo.

