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Unique Monster
"The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot."
Collection # 07
Base Health 50 HP
Base Damage 8 HP
Capturable Yes
Found In Decayed Biome
Desert Biome
Forest Biome
Jungle Biome
Magma Biome
Midnight Biome
Savannah Biome
Volcanic Biome
Desert Subsurface
Stone Caves
Underground 0a
Underground 1d
Underground 3b
Underground 5a
Underground 5d
Electric Vaults
Fire Vaults
Poison Vaults
Unique Drops Hardened Carapace (20%)
Figurine (0.1%)

Crustoises are a unique monster found in decayed, desert, forest, jungle, magma, midnight, savannah, and volcanic biomes. They can also be found in the Desert Subsurface underground layer as well as in Stone Caves and underground layers 0a, 1d, 3b, 5a and 5d. They can also be found in Ancient Vaults with electric, fire, and poison themes.

They can crawl on walls and ceilings, enabling them to move over any surface. Their primary attack is to dash at the player, revealing their underside and face.

This monster has a weakness (+50% damage taken) to Poison damage and a resistance (-50% damage taken) to Fire damage. Additionally, it cannot be inflicted with Burning.

Rare Form

A rare elemental variant of this monster can be found on bounty missions, and has a very small chance to appear in the wild. It has an identical drop pool, base stats, and spawn area, but applies the slowing Frost status effect when touched. This variant's underside appears to have a smiling face, instead of the normal variant's frowning face. CrustoiseVariantFaces.png

This form can also be captured, and when caught will complete an entry in the Rare Pets collection.

Form Name Description Element Status Effect
Ice Crustoise.png
Ice Crustoise The sharp spikes can penetrate any space boot. Frost (Attack).png Frost Status Frost.png Frost


  • The name Crustoise is possibly a portmanteau of "crust" and “tortoise”, likely referring to the spikes on its tortoise-like shell.