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Unique Monster
"During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away."
Collection # 19
Base Health 50 HP
Base Damage 8 HP
Capturable Yes
Found In Mutated
Underground 0b
Electric Vaults
Unique Drops Leather (20%)
Figurine (0.1%)

Paratail is a unique monster found in mutated and savannah biomes as well as in Underground 0b and electric Ancient Vaults.

The Paratail floats in the air when it has no target. If it acquires a target, it begins to approach it, inflating itself and exploding for 8 base damage when it gets close enough. Depleting the Paratail's health will cause it to explode early.

This monster does not possess a weakness (+50% damage taken) or a resistance (-50% damage taken) to any kind of damage.

Rare Form

A rare elemental variant of this monster can be found on bounty missions, and has a very small chance to appear in the wild. It has an identical drop pool, base stats, and spawn area, but applies the poisoned status effect when touched.

This form can also be captured, and when caught will complete an entry in the Rare Pets collection.

Form Name Description Element Status Effect
Poison Paratail.png
Poison Paratail During storms it attaches itself to trees so as not to blow away. Poison (Attack).png Poison Status Poisoned.png Poisoned


  • The name Paratail is likely a portmanteau of "parasail" and “tail”, likely referring to how it’s described as needing to hold onto things with its tail to not be blown away in the wind, similar to a parasailer.