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Mutated Planet.png
Threat: Dangerous (Tier 4) Weather
Star types: Radioactive, Frozen, Fiery Clear.pngGlowingrain.png
EPP Required: Status Radioactive.png Radiation EPP Upgrade
Mini Biomes: Eyepatch, Flesh
Secondary Biomes: Jungle, Savannah, Forest
Mutated Planet Surface.png
A Mutated biome.
Mutated is a primary biome type characterized by large colorful striped or spotted trees made from striped wood. Mutated planets are a 'dangerous' threat level, geared toward tier 4 in progression. Although named "Alien" planets in the navigation menu, the biome's official name is "Mutated". The two names are often used interchangeably.

Mutated biomes can be created and expanded using a Mutant Terraformer, and a planet will convert to an Mutated planet once half of the planet's surface has been terraformed into the Mutated biome.

Mutated planets can be found orbiting radioactive (yellow), frozen (blue) and fiery (red) star types. Unless players have a Radiation EPP Upgrade equipped they'll perpetually take damage from deadly radiation while on the planet.

Possible mini biomes inside Mutated biomes are eyepatch and flesh.

Oculob, Paratail, Petricub, Scandroid, Scaveran, Skimbus, Smoglin, and Voltip have a chance of being found in Mutated biomes.

Navigation Console

  • This is a somewhat risky landing site - radiation levels are extremely high. However, the mutated terrain could be described as darkly whimsical.
  • A landing site characterised by odd flora, aggressive fauna and sickeningly high levels of radiation. The area's inhabitants are severely mutated.
  • The beam location is situated in a mutated landscape. The high levels of radiation create a noxious environment. I advise you to avoid swimming.


The surface layer of Mutated biomes is primarily made up of dirt. Most trees will drop striped wood instead of regular logs. The planet's primary color in the navigation console and while orbiting above is the primary color of the dirt found there.

Mid game ores are found in Mutated biomes, with copper, silver ore, gold, titanium and durasteel available near the surface.

The surface of the ground is mostly covered in grass and bushes, and the topography is often hilly with small pools of poison along the surface.

Primary material Sub materials Geological materials

Music Tracks

Mutated biomes use their own two sets of music tracks for day and night.

  • Forsaken Grotto
  • Lava Exploration 1
  • Drosera
  • Crystal Exploration 1
  • Inviolate (Loop)
  • Body Electric (Loop)
  • Europa
  • Haiku
  • Mira
  • Ultramarine
  • Desert Exploration 1
  • Arctic Constellation 1
  • Arctic Constellation 2
  • Mira
  • Crystal Exploration 1
  • Tranquility Base
  • Accretion Disc
  • Lava Exploration 2
  • Nomads
  • Ultramarine
  • Forsaken Grotto
  • Desert Exploration 2

Sub Biomes

Pulsating 'trees' of flesh inside a flesh mini biome.

There are sub biomes which can be found on Mutated planets in addition to their unique mini biomes. Jungle, savannah, or forest have a chance to appear as smaller biomes on Mutated planets. These biomes will include things like their associated blocks, trees, and crops when they appear. Mini biomes for each of these secondary biome types can appear inside them as well.

Mutated biomes can also be found as sub biomes on jungle planets.

Mini Biomes

Eyepatch, and Flesh are mini biomes found inside Mutated biomes.

These mini biomes can be found on Mutated planets or inside Mutated sub biomes on other planet types. Each has their own creatures and items outside what's available in Mutated biomes.

  • Eyepatch - A number of plants and trees which resemble large eyes.
  • Flesh - Fleshy blocks and growth make up this creepy mini biome. Trees here drop flesh strands.


Mutated planets stick to the standards for planetary layer composition.

  • Space: Asteroids
  • Atmosphere: Atmosphere
  • Surface: Mutated (Primary Biome); Jungle, Savannah, Forest (Secondary Biomes)
  • Subsurface: Underground 0a, Underground 0b, Underground 1a, or Underground 1b
  • Shallow Underground: Tarpit, Mushrooms, Wilderness, Mini Village, Underground 0a, Underground 0b, Underground 1a, or Underground 1b
  • Mid Underground: Luminous Caves, Stone Caves, Bone Caves, Ice Caves, Underground 0c, Underground 1c, Underground 1d, Underground 3a, Underground 3b, Underground 3c, or Underground 3d
  • Deep Underground: Cell Caves, Flesh Caves, Slime Caves, Underground 0d, Underground 5a, Underground 5b, Underground 5c, or Underground 5d
  • Core: Blaststone Core Layer, Magmarock Core Layer, or Obsidian Core Layer


Weather in Mutated biomes is mostly clear, with occasional luminous rain. Weather happens for each planet based on the weights given to the weather types (probability is calculated by dividing a single weight by the sum of all weights); the probability for weather types on Mutated planets is as follows:

Clear.png Clear 0.9 (90%)
Glowingrain.png Luminous Rain 0.1 (10%)

Wild Crops

Dirturchin is found in Mutated biomes. These can be harvested by interacting with them or by digging them up. They'll drop produce and have a chance to drop a seed which can be replanted.

Alien Fruit also drops from trees in this biome, which can be replanted and chopped back down to grow more. It's used in a variety of cooking recipes


In addition to procedurally generated creatures, there are a variety of unique monsters, bugs and critters found in Mutated biomes. Some of these are also found in other biomes, while others are unique only to Mutated biomes. While these unique creatures have a chance to appear on Mutated planets, they will not all appear on each one. In addition to unique creatures, each biome has multiple types of both procedural ground and flying creatures.

Unique monsters each have combat attacks, and they must first be weakened before capture. Once weakened players can attempt to capture using a capture pod. If successful they can then be released to battle alongside and follow the player.

Critters are smaller non-combat unique creatures which are not capturable using capture pods. They can be captured without weakening them first by using a relocator gun. After releasing a critter from the relocator it will stay in the area it was released into.

Bugs are very small unique creatures which can be captured using a bug net, and are then stored inside placeable jars. Bugs which are captured using a relocator will fly after release instead of being kept inside a jar.

All monsters found in Mutated biomes are immune to becoming poisoned.

Unique Monsters
Sack Bag.gif
Sack Bag
Bounce Bag.gif
Bounce Bag
Float Bag.gif
Float Bag

Unique Drops

There are a variety of items which are specific to chests found in Mutated biomes. Some of these may have a chance of being found in other places throughout the universe, but they've all been specifically allocated to chests within Mutated biomes.

Costume Armor
Creepling Set
Creepling Set.png
Hazmat Set
Hazmat Set.png


Mutated planets can have a large variety of settlement types found on them. These include small microdungeons and NPC camps, larger racial villages and hostile dungeons. Smaller Mutated planets usually contain only one dungeon or village, while larger Mutated planets can contain as many as three.




Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Biohazard Sign Icon.png Biohazard Sign Decorative 60 A metal sign with a biohazard symbol.
Blue Flask Icon.png Blue Flask Decorative 30 A flask full of blue liquid.
Cool Desk Icon.png Cool Desk Furniture 120 This desk is sleek, looks solid.
Data Station Icon.png Data Station Light Source 190 This station seems to be transmitting a lot of data.
Fluorescent Light Icon.png Fluorescent Light Light Source 75 Bright fluorescent light.
Glass Block Icon.png Glass Block Block 0 I can see my reflection.
Hazard Block Icon.png Hazard Block Block 0 This pattern suggests caution.
Hazard Microscope Icon.png Hazard Microscope Decorative 75 A large microscope, designed for observing potentially hazardous bacteria.
Hi-tech Block Icon.png Hi-tech Block Block 0 This looks hi-tech!
Metal Office Desk Icon.png Metal Office Desk Decorative 85 An office desk with a built-in monitor. Looks like someone was doing some coding.
Modern Platform Icon.png Modern Platform Platform 0 Made from a modern material, this platform is smooth to the touch.
Modern Sliding Door Icon.png Modern Sliding Door Door 95 This sliding door makes me feel like I'm in a sci-fi game...
Outpost Wall Icon.png Outpost Wall Block 0 Wall material commonly used in space outposts.
Red Flask Icon.png Red Flask Decorative 30 A flask full of red liquid.
Smooth Metal Icon.png Smooth Metal Block 0 Smooth metal, cold to the touch.
Smooth Plated Block Icon.png Smooth Plated Block Block 0 Reminds me of the inside of a medical centre.
Symbiote in a Jar Icon.png Symbiote in a Jar Decorative 50 A critter in a jar, daydreaming.
Wireless Generator Icon.png Wireless Generator Decorative 60 A wireless energy supply.