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Tundra Planet Thumbnail.png
Threat: Extreme (Tier 5) Weather
Star types: Frozen, Fiery Clear.pngSnow1.pngBlizzard.png
EPP Required: Status Cold.png Heating EPP Upgrade
Mini Biomes: Prism, Alpine, Steamspring, Bioluminescence
Secondary Biomes: Garden, Forest, Snow, Midnight, Decayed
Frozen Planet Surface.png

Tundra is a planetary biome, signified by cold, frozen plains dotted with trees holding crystalline orbs of ice in their branches. Not to be confused with the less dangerous Snow Planetary Biome. They are sometimes referred to as "Frozen" planets.

Tundra biomes can be created and expanded using an Icy Terraformer, and a planet will convert to a Tundra planet once half of the planet's surface has been terraformed into Tundra biome.

Tundra has quite a few similarities to the now-defunct Ice Mini Biome - it even uses Ice's Treasure pool rather than having its own Tundra treasure pool.

Snowmen and Fancy Snowmen can be found on the surface.

Tundra planets are most frequently found orbiting Frozen stars, though they can also be found orbiting Fiery stars as well. Natively-generated Tundra planets have an Extreme threat level and a planetary Tier of 5. Tundra planets are the favorite habitat of the Apex, and Apex villages and dungeons.

Navigation Console

  • Temperatures at the beam site are dangerously low. The area is frozen, and inhabited only by flora and fauna that are extremely resistant to the cold
  • A frozen place, formed of ice - the permafrost runs deep here. Snow storms are common and temperatures are dangerously low.
  • This dangerously cold landing site is frozen solid. High likelihood of accidental self-cryopreservation. Protect yourself from the cold.


Primary material Sub materials Geological materials

Music Tracks

Tundra biomes use the Day Tracks plus both Arctic Exploration tracks during the day and the Night Tracks during the night.

  • Epsilon Indi
  • Hymn to the Stars
  • Procyon
  • StellarFormation
  • Vast Immortal Suns
  • Atlas
  • Blue Straggler
  • Cygnus X1
  • Europa
  • Arctic Exploration 1
  • Arctic Exploration 2
  • Haiku
  • M54
  • On the Beach at Night
  • Jupiter
  • Arctic Constellation 1
  • Arctic Constellation 2
  • Mercury
  • Mira
  • Procyon
  • Tranquility Base
  • Psyche
  • Accretion Disc
  • Cygnus X1
  • Eridanus Supervoid
  • Horsehead Nebula
  • Large Magellanic Cloud
  • M54
  • Nomads
  • On the Beach at Night


Tundra planets stick to the standards for planetary layer composition.

  • Space: Asteroids
  • Atmosphere: Atmosphere
  • Surface: Tundra (Primary Biome); Garden, Forest, Snow, Midnight, Decayed (Secondary Biomes)
  • Subsurface: Underground 0a, Underground 0b, Underground 1a, or Underground 1b
  • Shallow Underground: Tarpit, Mushrooms, Wilderness, Mini Village, Underground 0a, Underground 0b, Underground 1a, or Underground 1b
  • Mid Underground: Luminous Caves, Stone Caves, Bone Caves, Ice Caves, Underground 0c, Underground 1c, Underground 1d, Underground 3a, Underground 3b, Underground 3c, or Underground 3d
  • Deep Underground: Cell Caves, Flesh Caves, Slime Caves, Underground 0d, Underground 5a, Underground 5b, Underground 5c, or Underground 5d
  • Core: Blaststone Core Layer, Magmarock Core Layer, or Obsidian Core Layer


Weather in tundra biomes is either snow, blizzard or clear. Weather happens for each planet based on the weights given to the weather types (probability is calculated by dividing a single weight by the sum of all weights); the probability for weather types on tundra planets is as follows:

Snow1.png Snow 0.5 (50%)
Blizzard.png Snowstorm 0.2 (20%)
Clear.png Clear 0.3 (30%)

Wild Crops

There are a variety of harvestable crops found in each biome. These can be harvested by interacting with them or by digging them up. They'll drop produce and have a chance to drop a seed which can be replanted.


In addition to procedurally generated creatures, there are a variety of unique monsters, bugs and critters found in tundra biomes. Some of these are also found in other biomes, while others are unique only to tundra biomes. While these unique creatures have a chance to appear on tundra planets, they will not all appear on each one. In addition to unique creatures, each biome has multiple types of both procedural ground and flying creatures.

Unique monsters each have combat attacks, and they must first be weakened before capture. Once weakened players can attempt to capture using a capture pod. If successful they can then be released to battle alongside and follow the player.

Critters are smaller non-combat unique creatures which are not capturable using capture pods. They can be captured without weakening them first by using a relocator gun. After releasing a critter from the relocator it will stay in the area it was released into.

Bugs are very small unique creatures which can be captured using a bug net, and are then stored inside placeable jars. Bugs which are captured using a relocator will fly after release instead of being kept inside a jar.

Unique Monsters
Bunny Critter.gif
Cicle Snail.gif
Cicle Snail
Crystal Tortoise.gif
Crystal Tortoise
Crystal Bird.gif
Crystal Bird
Snowy Mole.gif
Snowy Mole

Unique Drops

Costume Armor
Snow Infantry Set
Snow Infantry Set.png
Cyclops Yeti Set
Cyclops Yeti Set.png


Tundra planets are most likely to have Apex themed dungeons and villages.




Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Antenna Icon.png Antenna Decorative 70 An antenna. These are typically used to boost communication signals.
Basic Metal Table Icon.png Basic Metal Table Decorative 110 A table. Perfect for tabletop gaming. Or eating.
Campfire Icon.png Campfire Crafting Station 30 Embers dance away from the campfire, warming the air. The heat can be used for cooking.
Chic Fridge Icon.png Chic Fridge Refrigerated Storage 180 A fridge. Hopefully filled with tasty, tasty treats.
Chunk of Ice Icon.png Chunk of Ice Breakable 60 A big chunk of ice.
Chunk of Ice (2) Icon.png Chunk of Ice (2) Breakable 60 A big chunk of ice.
Chunk of Ice (3) Icon.png Chunk of Ice (3) Breakable 60 A big chunk of ice.
Chunk of Ice (4) Icon.png Chunk of Ice (4) Breakable 60 A big chunk of ice.
Chunk of Ice (5) Icon.png Chunk of Ice (5) Breakable 60 A big chunk of ice.
Coffee Machine Icon.png Coffee Machine Decorative 65 A coffee machine, for the perfect pick-me-up.
Desktop PC Icon.png Desktop PC Decorative 50 A computer. Probably quite a good one.
Filing Cabinet Icon.png Filing Cabinet Storage 60 A filing cabinet. Sorted.
Fire Extinguisher Icon.png Fire Extinguisher Decorative 55 A fire extinguisher. Not for fun and games.
Glass Block Icon.png Glass Block Block 0 I can see my reflection.
Green Dome Tent Icon.png Green Dome Tent Furniture 65 A basic tent. Watch out for spacebears!
Heavy Pipe Icon.png Heavy Pipe Block 0 A heavy pipe, commonly used in waste systems.
Ice Block Icon.png Ice Block Block 0 Solid ice, cut into block shape.
Ice Machine Icon.png Ice Machine Refrigerated Storage 130 An ice dispenser made of ice. That's ice ice, baby.
LED Wall Light Icon.png LED Wall Light Light Source 60 A wall light.
Large Airlock Door Icon.png Large Airlock Door Door 140 This automated door is made of some sort of bulletproof material.
Metal Cabinet (Outpost) Icon.png Metal Cabinet (Outpost) Storage 95 A cabinet containing who knows what?
Metal Cargo Crate Icon.png Metal Cargo Crate Storage 110 A crate containing cargo. What cargo? Who knows.
Metal Light Fixture Icon.png Metal Light Fixture Light Source 90 A metallic light fixture.
Outpost Concrete Icon.png Outpost Concrete Block 0 Dark concrete specially designed for outposts.
Outpost Platform Icon.png Outpost Platform Platform 0 A simple light platform commonly found in remote outposts.
Outpost Support Beam Icon.png Outpost Support Beam Block 0 A reinforced support beam.
Outpost Thick Wall Icon.png Outpost Thick Wall Block 0 A thick wall type developed for exposure to extreme elements.
Padded Metal Chair Icon.png Padded Metal Chair Furniture 75 A chair. You sit in it. Yes.
Plastic Plant Icon.png Plastic Plant Decorative 60 A fake plastic plant. Not a tree.
Power Generator Icon.png Power Generator Decorative 165 A handy power generator.
Public Chair Icon.png Public Chair Furniture 75 A chair that anyone can sit on!
Roof Vent Icon.png Roof Vent Decorative 60 A vent.
Service Panel Icon.png Service Panel Decorative 50 A service panel.
Short Metal Cargo Crate Icon.png Short Metal Cargo Crate Storage 100 A small cargo crate. No doubt it has cargo in it.
Simple Wall Light Icon.png Simple Wall Light Light Source 45 A wall light.
Standing Desk Icon.png Standing Desk Decorative 60 A standing desk. Good for the posture.
Wall Mounted Monitor Icon.png Wall Mounted Monitor Decorative 140 A monitor. But who monitors the monitor?