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Unique Monster
"At night, all you can see of the anglure is its light."
Collection # 44
Base Health 80 HP
Base Damage 13 HP
Capturable Yes
Found In Bioluminescence Mini Biome
Ice Vaults
Unique Drops Static Cell (20%)
Figurine (0.1%)

Anglure are a unique monster type found in bioluminescence mini biomes, as well as in ice Ancient Vaults. They attack the player by vomiting an arc of projectiles which resemble the Glowing Ball critters found in the same mini biome. Each critter projectile deals 7 base damage.

This monster has a weakness (+50% damage taken) to Poison damage and a resistance (-50% damage taken) to Ice damage. Additionally, it cannot be inflicted with Frost.

Rare Form

A rare elemental variant of this monster can be found on bounty missions, and has a very small chance to appear in the wild. It has an identical drop pool, base stats, and spawn area, but applies the slowing electrified status effect when touched. This variant spews many black gas clouds at their foe which linger on the ground temporarily.

It is resistant to Electric damage and immune to Electrified, rather than Ice damage and Frost.

This form can also be captured, and when caught will complete an entry in the Rare Pets collection.

Form Name Description Element Status Effect
Electric Anglure.png
Electric Anglure At night, all you can see of the anglure is its light. Electric (Attack).png Electric Status Electrified.png Electrified


  • The name Anglure is likely a portmanteau of "angler" and “lure”. Its name and design come from the Anglerfish.