Spawn NPC Command

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/spawnnpc is an admin command that spawns an NPC at your mouse cursor. If level is unspecified, they spawn at level 0.

 Syntax: /spawnnpc race type (level)
 Example: /spawnnpc human airshipcaptain 6

Any NPC can be summoned with this command, from common villagers to hostile NPCs, Tenants, Outpost denizens and visitors, and even unique characters like Nuru.

You can even summon NPC types that do not occur naturally in the game, such as Avian Scientists, Fenerox Guards decked out in Human armor, and more, though this can lead to malfunctioning NPCs.

NPC list

  • Race — The "preferred" race(s) of that NPC, also which dialogue they will use. Aside from the seven player races, "Penguin" and "Fenerox" are valid race entries as well (though Penguins in a non-Penguin outfit look... off.) Using a different race from the preferred choice(s) is usually harmless, at worst resulting in a speaking-style mismatch (a Human spawned as a "default" Glitch type will still use Glitch dialogue), but can result in vendors selling the wrong wares, or worse, a malfunctioning NPC who despawns when interacted with.
  • Vulnerable to — Different NPCs are immune to certain types of damage. Most are invulnerable to player attacks, some are immune to hostile monsters and NPCs. All NPCs are vulnerable to Lava so we won't list that every time.
  • Combat Behavior — What the NPC will do when in combat
  • Notes — Other items of interest

Friendly Generic NPCs

Non-hostile NPCs you can find all over the galaxy. Guards spawned this way will not react to "stolen" objects outside of villages where the normal computer-generated guards will.

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Agaran Guard shroomguard Floran Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Agaran Merchant shroommerchant Floran Hostiles Run away Will not spawn as Agaran or sell proper goods if not Floran
Airship Captain airshipcaptain Avian Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Airship Guard airshipguard Avian Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Airship Quartermaster airshipquartermaster Avian Hostiles Will not sell proper goods if not Avian
Alpaca alpaca Human Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Apex Rebel apexrebel Apex Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Apex Mission NPC. Does not move when not in combat.
Apex Rebel Villager apexrebelvillager Apex Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Will despawn on interaction if not Apex
Astro Crewmate astrocrewmate Player races Hostiles Run away
Astro Merchant astromerchant Player races Hostiles Run away
Bartender bartender Novakid Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Novakid
Castle Archer castlearcher Glitch - - Does not react outside of Glitch Mission.
Chef chefmerchant Player races Hostiles Run away
Clan Leader clanleader Floran Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Deadbeat Scrounger deadbeatscrounger Human Player, hostiles Run away
Desert Villager desertvillager Apex, Avian,
Human, Hylotl
Hostiles Run away
Devout Avian Guard devoutvillageguard Avian Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Will not have proper armor if not Avian
Devout Avian Villager devoutvillager Avian Hostiles Run away Will not have proper armor if not Avian
Electronic Goods Trader electronicgoodstrader Human Hostiles -
Fenerox Guard feneroxguard Fenerox Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Fenerox Villager feneroxvillager Fenerox Hostiles Run away
Floran Celebrator florancelebrator Floran - - From Floran Mission end
Floran Chieftan floranchieftain Floran - - Does not react outside of Floran Mission
Floran Spectator floranspectator Floran - - From Floran Mission start
Follower follower Any Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally.
Wears human guard armor, follows player like Crew, does not teleport.
Forest Villager forestvillager Floran Hostiles Run away Does not appear in-game normally
Foundry Guard foundryguard Apex, Avian,
Glitch, Human
Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Foundry Worker foundryworker Apex, Avian,
Glitch, Human
Hostiles Run away
Friendly Castle Guard friendlycastleguard Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Friendly Castle Lord friendlycastlelord Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Friendly Castle Royal Guard friendlyroyalguard Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Frogg Merchant frogmerchant Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will not spawn as Frogg or sell proper goods if not Hylotl
Frogg Villager frogvillager Hylotl Player, hostiles Run away Will not spawn as Frogg if not Hylotl
Generic Guard friendlyguard
Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Generic racial armor. Fenerox wears Human armor.
Generic Merchant merchant
Player races Hostiles Run away Generic merchant. Fenerox appears naked.
Generic Villager villager Player races Hostiles Run away
Glitch Blacksmith blacksmith Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally
Greenfinger greenfinger Floran Hostiles Run away
Hazmat Scientist hazmatscientist Human Hostiles Run away
Hired Guard hiredguard Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Backup for Quests. Will not follow Player or move.
Industrial Crewmate industrialcrewmate Player races Hostiles Run away
Industrial Merchant industrialmerchant Player races Hostiles Run away
Letheia Merchant letheiamerchant Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will die immediately on spawn if not Hylotl
Lunar Miner miner Human Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Lunar Miner Survivor minersurvivor Human Hostiles - Miner from defeated Erchius Horror
Masked Guard maskedguard Apex, Avian,
Glitch, Human
Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally.
Foundry Guard dialogue & races, Glitch Executioner appearance
Medical Goods Trader medicalgoodstrader Human Hostiles -
Military Supplies Trader militarygoodstrader Human Hostiles -
Miniknog Village Guard miniknogvillageguard Apex Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Naked Villager nakedvillager Any Hostiles Run away Does not appear in-game normally
Novakid Blacksmith novakidblacksmith Novakid Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Novakid
Penguin Ship Crewmate penguinshipcrewmate Penguin Hostiles Run away
Poptop Farmer poptopfarmer Human Hostiles Run away
Provisions Trader foodgoodstrader Human Hostiles -
Research Crewmate researchcrewmate Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Research Scientist researchscientist Player races Hostiles Run away
Savannah Champion savannahchampion ?? Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally
Savannah Guard savannahguard ?? Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally
Savannah Villager savannahvillager ?? Player, hostiles Run away Does not appear in-game normally
Seed Merchant seedmerchant Floran Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Floran
Shadow Villager shadowvillager Human Player, hostiles Run away Uses Shadow voice regardless of race
Snow Scientist snowscientist Apex, Human,
Hostiles Run away
Snow Villager snowvillager Apex, Human,
Hostiles Run away
Space Engineer spaceengineer Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Space Merchant spacemerchant Player races Hostiles Run away Generic merchant... IN SPAAAAAACE!
Space Villager spacevillager Player races Hostiles Run away
Stargazer stargazer Avian Hostiles Run away
Transponder Vendor transpondervendor Human Hostiles Run away
Survivor survivor Human Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Does not appear in-game normally. From Beta version Floran Mission.
Tenant Tutorial Hiker tutorialtenant Human Hostiles Run away Does not appear in-game normally. Gives Tenant advice.
Will only give tutorial advice if Human.
Tutorial Hiker tutorial Human Hostiles Run away Will only give tutorial advice if Human.
Underground Villager undergroundvillager Apex, Avian,
Floran, Glitch,
Human, Hylotl
- - Does not appear in-game normally
Village Guard Captain villageguardcaptain Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Golden generic racial armor. Fenerox wears Human armor.
Wizard wizardmerchant Player races Hostiles Run away Does not appear in-game normally

A different type of Frogg Merchant, the "Frog Merchant" (sic), is also available, but as an Object rather than an NPC. It is not encountered in normal gameplay... and basically impossible to remove once placed, so you better be real certain you want it somewhere!

/spawnitem frogmerchant

Hostile NPCs

These NPCs can be found across the galaxy, and every one of them wants you dead.

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
All-Seeing Crusader eyeguard Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Apex Lab Scientist labscientist Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Avian Raider avianraider Avian Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Avian Temple Guard templeguard Avian Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Avian Tomb Guard tombguard Avian Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Bandit bandit Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Berserker arenafighter Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Bone Wildling bonewildling Apex, Avian,
Floran, Human, Hylotl
Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Bruiser arenabruiser Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Challenge Room Ornate Guard guardornate Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Challenge Room Plant Guard guardplant Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Deadbeat Bruiser deadbeatbruiser Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight Does not appear in-game normally. Will ignore Deadbeat Scroungers.
Often gets stuck facing one direction.
Deadbeat Thug deadbeatthug Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight Will ignore Deadbeat Scroungers
Diving Scavenger divingscavenger Hylotl Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Evil Knight evilknight Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Evil Knight Lord evilknightlord Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Executioner executioner Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Cannibal florancannibal Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Gladiator florangladiator Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Predator floranpredator Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Sniper floransniper Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Wild Hunter wildhunter Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Floran Wild Hunter Veteran wildhunterveteran Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Glitch Archer glitcharcher Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Glitch Thief glitchthief Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Hostile hostile Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight Does not appear in-game normally. Generic hostile.
Miniknog Agent miniknogagent Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog Assassin miniknogassassin Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog General miniknoggeneral Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog Scout miniknogscout Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog Stronghold Scientist apexscientist Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog Stronghold Scout (aboveground) apexabovegroundscout Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Miniknog Stronghold Scout (sewer) apexscout Apex Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Mutant Miner mutantminer Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Novakid Outlaw prisonoutlaw Novakid Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Occasus Cultist cultist Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Occasus Cultist Archer cultistarcher Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Occasus Cultist Invader cultistinvader Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Occasus Cultist Knight cultistknight Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Outlaw Bandit outlawbandit Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Outlaw Barbarian outlawbarbarian Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Outlaw Knight outlawknight Glitch Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Outlaw Samurai outlawsamurai Hylotl Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Outlaw Soldier outlawsamurai Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Prison Berserker prisonberserker Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Prison Bruiser prisonbruiser Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Prison Gunman prisongunman Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Rogue Samurai roguesamurai Hylotl Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Shooter arenashooter Avian Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Templar Inferno arenapyro Human Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight
Volo arenahunter Floran Player, allies Attack player/friendlies on sight

Some "NPCs" are actually Monsters, spawned by the Spawn Monster Command. We're only listing "viable" monsters here: ones that operate properly on their own when summoned in this way.

Tenant NPCs

Every type of Tenant can be spawned in, completely disregarding the requirements to summon and keep them via Colony Deed. This also allows you to summon Guards at a higher level than they can be as Tenants. You can even change the race of themed Tenants who only appear as certain types, although this can result in mismatched dialogue, wrong appearances or vendor items, or worse, NPCs who despawn when the player interacts with them. Most of these are not much of an issue if the NPCs are purely decorative, however.

Of course, Tenants spawned this way also have some disadvantages: they do not pay rent, and they do not respawn if killed, both because of the lack of Colony Deed. So if you like the look of the NPC you got, better make sure they're protected!

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Agaran Merchant shroommerchant Floran Hostiles Run away Will not spawn as Agaran or sell proper goods if not Floran
All-Seeing Knight eyepatch Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Alpaca Guard alpacatenant Human Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Astronaut astronaut Human Hostiles Run away
Avian Priest aviantomb Avian Hostiles Run away
Bonesmith bones Floran Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Floran
Bunker Supervisor humanbunker Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Cabin Owner cabin Human Hostiles Run away
Chef chefmerchanttenant Player races Hostiles Run away
Convict humanprison Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Creepling creepling Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Deadbeat Merchant scorched Human Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Human
Diver sea Hylotl Hostiles Run away
Electrician electrician Apex, Avian,
Floran, Glitch,
Human, Hylotl
Hostiles Run away
Evil Glitch evilglitchtenant Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Will despawn on interaction if not Glitch
Fenerox Guard feneroxtenant Fenerox Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Fleshy Collector flesh Human Hostiles Run away
Floran Sniper floranhuntinggrounds Floran Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Will despawn on interaction if not Floran
Flowerpot Salesman spring Avian Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Avian
Frogg Merchant frogtenantmerchant Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will not spawn as Frogg or sell proper goods if not Hylotl
Foundry Merchant foundry Human Hostiles Run away Will not have proper stock if not Human
Friendly Cultist friendlycultist Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Gatherer farm Avian Hostiles Run away
Generic Guard friendlyguardtenant Player races Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Fenerox use Human Guard gear
Generic Merchant merchanttenant Player races Hostiles Run away Fenerox appear naked
Generic Tenant generictenant Player races Hostiles Run away Fenerox appear naked
Geological Merchant geode Glitch Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Glitch
Glow Merchant glow Human Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Human
Grounded avianairship Avian Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Avian
Hazmat Scientist hazmat Apex, Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Apex or Human
Hula Dancer island Human Hosiltes Run away
Hunter-Gatherer tar Human, Apex Hostiles Run away
Inventor steamspring Glitch Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Glitch
Lunar Miner lunarbase Human Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Maggot Man hive Human Hostiles Run away
Miniknog Researcher apexresearchlab Apex Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Apex
Naturalist Merchant giantflower Floran, Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Floran or Hylotl
Neon neon Apex, Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Apex or Human
Oasis Merchant oasis Avian, Floran Hostiles Run away Will not appear properly dressed or sell proper goods if not Avian or Floran
Pastel Fan pastel Human Hostiles Run away
Philanthropist philanthropist Human Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Human
Plague Doctor gothic Glitch Hostiles Run away
Rainbow Rogue colourful Glitch Hostiles Attack hostiles on sight
Royal Glitch glitchcastle Glitch Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Glitch
Scientist scientist Apex, Human, Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Apex, Human or Hylotl
Sewer Worker glitchsewer Glitch Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if not Glitch
Socialite socialite Apex, Avian
Floran, Glitch
Human, Hylotl
Hostiles Run away Will despawn on interaction if Novakid, Fenerox or Penguin
Space Pioneer retroscifi Human Hostiles Run away
Spooksman spooky Floran Hostiles Run away
Steampunk Fan steampunk Glitch Hostiles Run away
Window Salesman prism Hylotl Hostiles Run away Will not sell proper goods if not Hylotl

Crew NPCs

Potential Crew can be spawned with the race and job of your choosing. You can even spawn in Fenerox as Crew with this command! Once spawned, these NPCs act as un-hired Crew, waiting forever (and with an insanely high HP) for a player character to bring them aboard.

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Crew Member (Chemist) crewmemberchemistblue
Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Engineer) crewmemberengineer Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Janitor) crewmemberjanitor Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Mechanic) crewmembermechanic Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Medic) crewmembermedic Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Outlaw) crewmemberoutlaw Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Penguin) crewmemberpenguinmerc Penguin Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Soldier) crewmember Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava
Crew Member (Tailor) crewmembertailor Player races Hostiles Attack nearby hostiles on-sight Incredibly resilient to Lava

Protectorate NPCs

The optional Protectorate Mission that opens the game has a number of unique NPCs.

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Courtyard Lounger protectoratecourtyardlounger Hylotl - -
Janitor protectoratejanitor Glitch - -
Hall Staff protectoratehallstaff Apex - -
Hall Student 1 protectoratehallstudent1 Floran - -
Hall Student 2 protectoratehallstudent2 Glitch - -
Hall Student 3 protectoratehallstudent3 Glitch - - Does not appear in-game normally (?)
Hall Student 4 protectoratehallstudent4 Human - -
Hall Student 5 protectoratehallstudent5 Hylotl - -
Lobby Lounger protectoratelobbylounger Apex - -
Lobby Student 1 protectoratelobbystudent1 Avian - -
Lobby Student 2 protectoratelobbystudent2 Human - -

Mami the Info Booth staffer is actually a placed Object, which you can spawn using the Spawn Item Command. We'll give you that command and spawn name for convenience's sake.

/spawnobject protectorateinfobooth

Outpost NPCs

Most Outpost NPCs come in two types: "permanent" residents and visitors. There's not much difference between the two types; both have set Cosmetic Armor outfits but randomize the core NPC's details, and none of them can attack enemies. The big difference is that visitors will permanently teleport away after a little while, just as they do in the Outpost, regardless of whether or not there is a Teleporter anywhere near them. Thankfully, all (non-developer) visitor NPCs also have "permanent" variants you can spawn (typically as Tenants, see above).

There are also the Outpost versions of important story characters. They will act just as they normally do at the Outpost (if you spawned them in properly).

Outpost Residents

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Apex Mechanic outpostapexmechanic Apex Hostiles Run away
Apex Museum Visitor museumapexvisitor Apex Hostiles Run away From Koichi's Museum
Apex Refugee outpostapexrefugee Apex Hostiles Run away
Apex Scientist outpostapexscientist Apex Hostiles Run away
Augment Merchant outpostaugmentmerchant ?? Hostiles Does not occur in game naturally. Sells all 25 EPP Augments. Incredibly weak against hostiles.
Avian Explorer outpostavianexplorer Avian Hostiles Run away
Avian Mercenary outpostavianmercenary Avian Hostiles Run away
Avian Museum Visitor museumavianvisitor Avian Hostiles Run away From Koichi's Museum
Avian Refugee outpostavianrefugee Avian Hostiles Run away
Baron baronoutpost Glitch - -
Bounty Hunter outpostbountyhunter Human Hostiles Run away
Civilian outpostcivilian Apex, Avian,
Floran, Glitch,
Human, Hylotl
Hostiles Run away Does not occur in-game naturally. Randomized racial "villager" clothing
Dr. Akaggy outpostpenguinscientist Penguin Hostiles -
Esther Bright esther Human - -
Floran Explorer outpostfloranexplorer Floran Hostiles Run away
Floran Fan outpostfloranfan Floran Hostiles Run away
Floran Hunter (Miles) outpostfloranhunter Floran Hostiles Run away
Floran Museum Visitor museumfloranvisitor Floran Hostiles Run away From Koichi's Museum
Glitch Mechanic outpostglitchmechanic Glitch Hostiles Run away
Glitch Mercenary outpostglitchmercenary Glitch Hostiles Run away
Glitch Museum Visitor museumglitchvisitor Glitch Hostiles Run away From Koichi's Museum
Glitch Silent Type outpostglitchsilenttype Glitch Hostiles Run away
Holiday Merchant (Santa Claus) santa Human Hostiles Run away Sells Holiday objects & Cosmetic Armor
Human Ex Con outposethumanexcon Human Hostiles Run away
Human Museum Visitor museumhumanvisitor Human Hostiles Run away From Koichi's Museum
Human Scientist outposthumanscientist Human Hostiles Run away
Human Survivor outposthumansurvivor Human Hostiles Run away
Hylotl Curator (Daichi) outposthylotlcurator Hylotl Hostiles Run away
Hylotl Performer outposthylotlperformer Hylotl Hostiles Run away
Hylotl Warrior outposthylotlwarrior Hylotl Hostiles Run away
Koichi koichioutpost Hylotl - -
Lana Blake lanaoutpost Human - - Will not sell proper goods if not Human (which is weird)
Nuru nuruoutpost Floran - -
Penguin Promoter outpostpenguinpromoter Penguin Hostiles Run away
Tonauac tonauacoutpost Avian - -
Under Side Man outpostundersideman Human Hostiles Run away
Vault Key Trader vaultkeytrader ?? Hostiles - Can only have 1 spawned per world chunk

Outpost Visitors

You can spawn these Outpost NPCs wherever you like, but they will eventually teleport away. They can't fight, they don't sell things, and there's versions of most of them that do and stick around. Kind of pointless to spawn them, really, but hey, knock yourself out! Say hi to the devs!

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Abi devabi Human Player, hostiles -
Adam devadam Human Player, hostiles -
All-Seeing Knight eyeknightvisitor Glitch Player, hostiles -
Alpaca alpacavisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Backer backervisitor Human Player, hostiles - Names are handles of crowdfunding backers
Donna devdonna Human Player, hostiles -
Doris devdoris Human Player, hostiles -
Electrician electricianvisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Fenerox feneroxvisitor Fenerox Player, hostiles -
Forager foragervisitor Floran Player, hostiles -
Foundry Worker foundryvisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Frogg froggvisitor Any Player, hostiles - Uses Frogg sounds regardless of race type
GeorgeV devgeorge Human Player, hostiles -
Harriet devharriet Human Player, hostiles -
Hazmat Scientist hazmatvisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Inventor inventorvisitor Glitch Player, hostiles -
Jay devjay Human Player, hostiles -
Kyren devkyren Human Player, hostiles -
Lili devlili Human Player, hostiles -
Maggot Man maggotmanvisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Metadept devmeta Human Player, hostiles -
Mollygos devmolly Human Player, hostiles -
Outpost Visitor outpostvisitor Any Player, hostiles - Naked, does not appear normally in-game
Pirate piratevisitor Avian Player, hostiles -
Rainbow Rogue colourfulvisitor Glitch Player, hostiles -
Rebel rebelvisitor Apex Player, hostiles -
Rosiedeux devrosie Human Player, hostiles -
Samurai samuraivisitor Hylotl Player, hostiles -
Socialite socialitevisitor Human Player, hostiles -
Stephen devstephen Human Player, hostiles -
Tiy devtiy Human Player, hostiles -
Tom devtom Human Player, hostiles -
Tomkat devtomkat Human Player, hostiles -
William devwilliam Human Player, hostiles -
Wizard wizardvisitor Glitch Player, hostiles -

Outpost Object NPCs

Some "NPCs" in the Outpost are actually Objects, obtained with the Spawn Item Command. You can also spawn closed versions of most of these by simply adding "closed" to the end of the spawn name.

Special NPCs

Finally, there are some specialized NPCs. In most cases though, they are so specialized that they only operate properly within the specific context of Missions.

Name Spawn Name Race Vulnerable to Combat Behavior Notes
Arena Advisor (Atticus) arenaadvisor1
Hylotl Hostiles - Versions 1-2-3 give advice for each successive Arena fight
Baron baron Glitch - - Glitch Mission version. Does nothing outside of Mission.
Dr. Akaggy penguinscientist Penguin - - Akaggy from defeated Shockhopper Mk I
Koichi koichi Hylotl - - End of Hylotl Mission version. Talks then runs right.
Koichi koichihologram Hylotl - - Hologram from Hylotl Mission. Vanishes after dialogue.
Lana Blake lana Apex - - Apex Mission version. Does nothing outside of Mission.
Lana Blake lanafight Apex - Attack hostiles on sight Glitch Mission version
Nuru nuru Floran - - Floran Mission version. Does nothing outside of Mission.
Nuru nurufight Floran - Attack hostiles on sight Glitch Mission version.
Tonauac tonauac Avian - - Avian Mission version. Does nothing outside of Mission.