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Ocean Planet.png
Threat: Risky (Tier 3) Weather
Star types: Temperate, Radioactive, Frozen, Fiery Clear.pngRain1.pngThunder.png
EPP Required: None
Mini Biomes: None
Secondary Biomes: None
Ocean Biome Surface.png
The surface of an ocean biome.
Ocean is a primary biome type characterized by a vast expanse of water with small scattered sandy islands. Traversing the surface is best done with boats or by swimming. The ocean floor is covered with plant life, breakable shells, and possibly submerged ruins. Ocean planets are a 'risky' threat level, geared toward tier 3 in progression.

Ocean planets can be found orbiting temperate (orange), radioactive (yellow) and frozen (blue) star types. They also have a rare chance of being found around fiery (red) stars as satellites of gas giants. There are no environmental hazards in ocean biomes which require use of an environmental protection pack aside from deep oceans which can drown players not using a Breathing EPP.

The water found on ocean planets is infinite, and cannot be drained. All air below surface level is replaced with water. To build underwater and not have water spawn inside your structure, you must replace the background and foreground with blocks, then remove the foreground blocks and water will stop spawning.

Ocean water also cannot be converted into other liquids, such as poison. Pouring poison onto water will normally result in the conversion of the water into poison, however, pouring poison onto ocean water results in the poison disappearing with no effect to the ocean water.

By creating a box with foreground blocks, placing background blocks inside of the box, and then removing the water and replacing it with healing water, and then removing one background block, it is possible to create a healing water generator, as when removed, the water flowing in through the background is transformed into healing water. Ocean planets are ideal for constructions which may require an infinite source of water, like liquid converters or automated crop watering.

Crabcanos, Lilodons, Monopus, Snuffish and Snagglers all have a chance of being found in ocean biomes. Hylotl structures Hylotl Underwater City and Hylotl Underwater Ruins are the only settlements found on ocean planets.

Ocean planets have no corresponding terraformer.

Navigation Console

  • A planet of deep oceans and small islands. My readings indicate that aquatic life is abundant and that the islets of the surface are extremely picturesque.
  • An ocean covered planet spotted with islands and teeming with life. My readings indicate that there is a great deal of activity in the depths of the waters.
  • Floating desert islands pepper the surface of this ocean planet. An environment of tropical ambiance and aesthetic.


The surface layer of oceans is primarily made up of water with small scattered islands made from sand and sandstone. Commonly these islands have palm trees which can be harvested for a few wooden logs and coconuts.

Ocean planets are mostly covered in water which spawns endlessly. There's no way to gather all of the water found in oceans.

Ores can be found on surface islands, with of copper, silver ore, gold, titanium and tungsten available in small quantities. Most ore is accessible beneath the ocean floor.

Primary material Sub material Geological materials

Music Tracks

Ocean surface biomes use the Day Tracks during the day and the Night Tracks during the night.

  • Epsilon Indi
  • Hymn to the Stars
  • Procyon
  • Stellar Formation
  • Vast Immortal Suns
  • Atlas
  • Blue Straggler
  • Cygnus X1
  • Europa
  • Haiku
  • M54
  • On the Beach at Night
  • Jupiter
  • Arctic Constellation 1
  • Arctic Constellation 2
  • Mercury
  • Mira
  • Procyon
  • Tranquility Base
  • Psyche
  • Accretion Disc
  • Cygnus X1
  • Eridanus Supervoid
  • Horsehead Nebula
  • Large Magellanic Cloud
  • M54
  • Nomads
  • On the Beach at Night
  • The Deep

Ocean floor biomes use the Day Tracks plus both Arctic Exploration tracks during the day and the Night Tracks during the night.

  • Epsilon Indi
  • Hymn to the Stars
  • Procyon
  • Stellar Formation
  • Vast Immortal Suns
  • Atlas
  • Blue Straggler
  • Cygnus X1
  • Europa
  • Arctic Exploration 1
  • Arctic Exploration 2
  • Haiku
  • M54
  • On the Beach at Night
  • Jupiter
  • Arctic Constellation 1
  • Arctic Constellation 2
  • Mercury
  • Mira
  • Procyon
  • Tranquility Base
  • Psyche
  • Accretion Disc
  • Cygnus X1
  • Eridanus Supervoid
  • Horsehead Nebula
  • Large Magellanic Cloud
  • M54
  • Nomads
  • On the Beach at Night

Sub Biomes

Ocean planets do not have any sub biomes which appear, and oceans do not appear as a sub biome on any other planet types.

Mini Biomes

There are no mini-biomes found on the surface or underwater in Ocean biomes.

Ocean planets do have two "biome levels" though, the ocean surface and the ocean floor. Each have their own distribution of drops, materials and crops.


Ocean planets deviate somewhat from planetary standards due to being ocean-type planets.

  • Space: Asteroids
  • Atmosphere: Atmosphere
  • Surface: Ocean (Primary Biome)
    • Note: For ocean-type planets, the surface layer begins at y=1050 and the ocean surface is at y=1150 regardless of planet size.
  • Subsurface: Ocean Floor
  • Shallow Underground: Tarpit, Mushrooms, Wilderness, Mini Village, Underground 0a, Underground 0b, Underground 1a, or Underground 1b
  • Mid Underground: Luminous Caves, Stone Caves, Bone Caves, Ice Caves, Underground 0c, Underground 1c, Underground 1d, Underground 3a, Underground 3b, Underground 3c, or Underground 3d
  • Deep Underground: Cell Caves, Flesh Caves, Slime Caves, Underground 0d, Underground 5a, Underground 5b, Underground 5c, or Underground 5d
  • Core: Blaststone Core Layer, Magmarock Core Layer, or Obsidian Core Layer


Weather in ocean biomes is mostly clear, with occasional rain or storms. Weather happens for each planet based on the weights given to the weather types (probability is calculated by dividing a single weight by the sum of all weights); the probability for weather types on Ocean planets is as follows:

Clear.png Clear 0.8 (80%)
Rain1.png Rain 0.1 (10%)
Thunder.png Storms 0.1 (10%)

Wild Crops

There are a variety of harvestable crops found in each biome. These can be harvested by interacting with them or by digging them up. They'll drop produce and have a chance to drop a seed which can be replanted.

Ocean biomes also have some tree resources available like coconuts and kelp which can both be reharvested from replanting palm trees and kelp saplings.


In addition to procedurally generated creatures, there are a variety of unique monsters, bugs and critters found in ocean biomes. Some of these are also found in other biomes, while others are unique only to ocean biomes. While these unique creatures have a chance to appear on ocean planets, they will not all appear on each one. In addition to unique creatures, each biome has multiple types of both procedural ground and flying creatures.

Unique monsters each have combat attacks, and they must first be weakened before capture. Once weakened players can attempt to capture using a capture pod. If successful they can then be released to battle alongside and follow the player.

Critters are smaller non-combat unique creatures which are not capturable using capture pods. They can be captured without weakening them first by using a relocator gun. After releasing a critter from the relocator it will stay in the area it was released into.

Bugs are very small unique creatures which can be captured using a bug net, and are then stored inside placeable jars. Bugs which are captured using a relocator will fly after release instead of being kept inside a jar.

Unique Monsters
Jelly Critter.gif
Fish Lemon.gif
Lemon Fish
Fish Berry.gif
Berry Fish
Fish Chili.gif
Chili Fish


There are a number of fish which can only be caught on ocean planets using a Fishing Rod. These fish won't be seen swimming in the wild without a fishing lure to attract them.

Catching each of these fish will complete their entries in the fishing collection screen.

# Image Name Size Rarity Biome Description Behavior Depth Time
Jerkfish Small Common Ocean This fish has a natural impolite demeanour. Approach Shallow All
Sandy Dirtwhisker.png
Sandy Dirtwhisker Small Common Ocean This fish has evolved two extra eyes just for looking disappointed. Lurk All All
Toothy Mudchomp.png
Toothy Mudchomp Medium Common Ocean It camouflages well in the muddy seabeds where it feeds. Approach All All
Funnyfish Medium Uncommon Ocean Thinks it's funnier than it really is. Approach Shallow Day
Squareboy Medium Uncommon Ocean It's surprisingly capable at swimming despite its shape. Approach Shallow Night
Frilled Tadguppy.png
Frilled Tadguppy Small Uncommon Ocean Its large tail can create rhythmic pulses that distract potential predators. Approach All Day
Copper Bonejaw.png
Copper Bonejaw Medium Uncommon Ocean It is born with a soft jaw that calcifies and hardens through its lifespan. Lurk Deep Night
Pink Sunbeam.png
Pink Sunbeam Large Rare Ocean A jawless fish often sought after for the way its scales sparkle in sunlight. Approach Shallow Day
Crescent Hoopfish.png
Crescent Hoopfish Large Rare Ocean The hoop through its body creates a current that propels it through water. Approach All Night
Hermit Tonguile.png
Hermit Tonguile Medium Rare Ocean Its body is one long pink muscle, curled tight into a fossilised shell. Lurk Deep Day
Banded Wormeel.png
Banded Wormeel Small Rare Ocean The long antenna on the Wormeel's head can pick up radio waves from nearby planets. Approach All Night
Chucklefish Large Legendary Ocean Haven't I seen this fish before somewhere? Approach Deep All

Unique Drops

There are a variety of items which are specific to chests found in ocean biomes. Some of these may have a chance of being found in other places throughout the universe, but they've all been specifically allocated to chests within ocean biomes.

Ocean biomes have two treasure pools, one for the surface and one for the ocean floor. There are a variety of items which can only be found in one area, but not the other.

Ocean Surface

Ocean surface treasure can be found on the small islands which are scattered across the surface of the water.

Combat Items
Costume Armor
Hawaiian Set
Hawaiian Set.png
Pirate Set
Pirate Set.png

Ocean Floor

Ocean floor treasure can be found in chests along the ground at the bottom of the ocean.

While a number of the items found in ocean floor chests are diving masks, they're purely cosmetic and don't actually provide the player any protection from running out of breath underwater.

Combat Items
Costume Armor
Buccaneer Set
Buccaneer Set.png

Ocean Tagged Objects

Some objects found in ocean biomes are tagged with the object tag ocean. There are no tenants associated with the ocean object tag.

Expand to see a full list of tagged objects.

Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Broken Anchor Icon.png Broken Anchor decorative 12 A broken anchor ocean
Glowing Oshroom Icon.png Glowing Oshroom light A glowing oshroom. ocean
Glowing Oshroom (2) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (2) light A glowing oshroom. ocean
Glowing Oshroom (3) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (3) light A glowing oshroom. ocean
Glowing Oshroom (4) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (4) light A glowing oshroom. ocean
Glowing Oshroom (5) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (5) light A glowing oshroom. ocean


Oceans only have a chance to have two settlement types appear, both belonging to the Hylotl. There are also a variety of small friendly dwellings which can be found on scattered islands on the ocean surface.

Note that Hylotl Surface Cities and Hylotl Ruined Castles do not appear on ocean planets, as liquid worlds do not generate surface dungeons.




Object Category Blocks Description Tags
Bones on a Pike Icon.png Bones on a Pike Decorative 60 Some bones on a pike. How morbid.
Broken Stone Pillar Icon.png Broken Stone Pillar Decorative 60 A broken stone pillar.
Broken Wooden Cage Icon.png Broken Wooden Cage Decorative 90 A broken cage. What could have escaped?
Cactus Pot Icon.png Cactus Pot Decorative 50 An exotic-looking cactus in a flower pot.
Comfy Traditional Bed Icon.png Comfy Traditional Bed Furniture 125 Legend has it that if you spend the night in this bed, you'll lose consciousness.
Fiery Flower Icon.png Fiery Flower Decorative 50 A fiery-looking flower in a pot.
Floor Ornament Icon.png Floor Ornament Decorative 55 It's some sort of floor ornament. Frog spawn swirls inside.
Glass Block Icon.png Glass Block Block 0 I can see my reflection.
Glowing Oshroom Icon.png Glowing Oshroom Light Source A glowing oshroom.
Glowing Oshroom (2) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (2) Light Source A glowing oshroom.
Glowing Oshroom (3) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (3) Light Source A glowing oshroom.
Glowing Oshroom (4) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (4) Light Source A glowing oshroom.
Glowing Oshroom (5) Icon.png Glowing Oshroom (5) Light Source A glowing oshroom.
Hylotl Emblem Icon.png Hylotl Emblem Decorative 60 It's a common emblem for the Hylotl. Three crystals representing their three eyes...
Large Bongo Icon.png Large Bongo Decorative 75 A bongo drum fashioned out of leather and wood.
Large Overgrown Geyser Icon.png Large Overgrown Geyser Decorative 90 A large geyser, covered in plant growth.
Large Volcanic Geyser Icon.png Large Volcanic Geyser Light Source 80 A small volcanic geyser. It's lighting the area faintly.
Ornate Flooring Icon.png Ornate Flooring Block 0 Delightful ornate flooring.
Ornate Roof Block Icon.png Ornate Roof Block Block 0 Traditional looking ornate roofing.
Ornate Tiles Icon.png Ornate Tiles Block 0 Exquisite ornate roof tiles.
Ornate Wall Icon.png Ornate Wall Block 0 A traditional looking wall.
Sitting Log Icon.png Sitting Log Decorative 90 A log, smoothed for sitting on.
Skull on a Pike Icon.png Skull on a Pike Decorative 50 A skull on a pike. A Floran favourite.
Small Traditional Table Icon.png Small Traditional Table Furniture 85 A delicately designed wooden table.
Stone Pillar Icon.png Stone Pillar Decorative 55 A tall stone pillar.
Timber Icon.png Timber Block 0 Wood that has been prepared for building and crafting.
Traditional Fancy Chair Icon.png Traditional Fancy Chair Furniture 75 A high-class wooden chair, is it intended for important figures.
Traditional Gong Icon.png Traditional Gong Decorative 195 Hey, this gong has a big chip in it... oh. Oh, I see. It's a lily pad.
Traditional Paper Lantern Icon.png Traditional Paper Lantern Light Source 75 A paper ceiling lamp.
Traditional Shoji Door Icon.png Traditional Shoji Door Door 95 A shoji screen door.
Traditional Shoji Screen Icon.png Traditional Shoji Screen Decorative 120 A screen for modest individuals to hide behind while getting changed.
Traditional Water Feature Icon.png Traditional Water Feature Decorative 145 This water feature is perfect for the home, garden, or interstellar dojo.
Traditional Wooden Post Icon.png Traditional Wooden Post Light Source 105 A decorative wooden post with a lantern in it.
Warning Poster Icon.png Warning Poster Decorative 50 It's a warning to anyone who cares to read it.
Window Lattice Icon.png Window Lattice Block 0 A simple lattice made of wood.
Wood Platform Icon.png Wood Platform Platform 0 A nondescript wood platform.
Wooden Dressing Screen Icon.png Wooden Dressing Screen Decorative 120 A wooden screen, perfect for dressing behind.
Wooden Support Icon.png Wooden Support Decorative 5 A worn wooden support.
Zen Rock Icon.png Zen Rock Decorative A stone perfect for alien zen gardens.